Chapter 11: Conversation

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(y/n) decided to wear a yellow dress with a hint of white that day. There was not one thing she had to do. No training. No nothing.

She figured it was the perfect day to spend time with Loki. She put her hair up and went out of her chambers to find Loki. Of course, she found him in his chambers. It seemed as if he had just woken up, for his hair was not combed and he was wearing a green shirt and black pants.

"Oh, I'm so sorry! I'll come back later!" (y/n) was embarrassed.

"No it's fine. Just shut the door and wait outside. I'll be out in a bit."

(y/n) did what Loki said and waited. After a few moments, Loki came out and was dressed and ready.

"Why did you come to see me?" asked Loki.

"I... was... wondering... if you would like to take a walk with... me?" asked (y/n).

Loki's eyes widened. He did not expect that.

"Um, yes of course. Where to?"

"The garden?"


They walked awkwardly side by side. They were silent until they got to the garden.

"You know, finding out that angels exist took me aback." said Loki.

"Really? Why so?" asked (y/n).

"Because I grew up believing it was all a myth. Heaven, angels, Hell, God...And that also means that Valhalla was all a lie."

"It isn't. Valhalla is real too, but only fallen warriors go there. But what you don't know is that as the time passes, those warriors enter Heaven." explained (y/n).

"I just can't believe it..and the fact that God exists it's...hard to believe." said Loki.

"Why? I mean I know you consider yourselves gods but, God created everything. Why not create advanced beings. More advanced than mortals. After all, we all have a purpose." said (y/n).

Loki thought about that.

"Do you still have your powers? I remember you mentioning that you had powers." finally said Loki after a silence.

"No. I'm...I'm mortal now."

"How exactly did that happen?" asked Loki.

"Well, when I fell, my powers were stripped away, except for my wings. But my immortality was stripped away as well. So I will age at the pace that humans do. I practically am human. The only difference between a human and I now is that I've got wings, and I can let them out whenever I want."

"Really? Is there any way for you to get back your immortality?"

"Well, just call it my grace. And yes, there is a way. I must do a good deed. Not just any good deed, but a good deed for someone that I love. When I do that, my body will turn spirit-like and , well, if you tried to touch me your hand would go through me. Angels are spiritual beings after all. But say I die during that good deed, like I sacrifice my life for someone I love, the soul within me will come out and I'll still get my grace. That soul will become my spirit-like self. But my dead body would remain. So, good deed that doesn't kill me will leave no body behind and others would be able to witness myself turning into a spirit. But a good deed that would kill me is just the opposite. No body, and no one could see the spiritual process. Also, if an angel falls to a world and get their grace back, they can never visit the world they fell in. So it's kind of a win-lose situation..." (y/n) explained.

"That's very harsh..." said Loki.

"Enough about me. Tell me about you, Loki."

Loki looked at (y/n) and sighed. "Well, before you came, I was always misunderstood and made fun of. I'm an option to be king of Asgard. It's my dream to be king, but what I want most is just to be Thor's equal. I'm always in his shadow... My life was never great. The beautiful women always went to flirt with Thor. But I never cared for the women here. They just think of their prettiness."

"Beauty isn't about having a pretty face. It's about having a pretty mind, heart, and soul. Kind of like what I see in you. You're a good friend, Loki."

Loki blushed. "But I am mischievious. I do not have a beautiful personality."

"Then you would have let me die. There's good in your heart. I know it." (y/n) smiled.

Loki smiled back. "So, what are you to do? Will you find a good deed?"

(y/n) thought for a moment.

"Well, if I do then I do. But if there's no way, I guess I'm going to make the rest of my life the best of my life."

"I'm sure you'll get back you're grace. You'll go back home. I know it." said Loki.

(y/n) and Loki conversed about each other for hours. When it was time for dinner, Loki walked (y/n) back to her chambers. It's like a prayer from Loki was answered. (y/n) considered him a friend with a beautiful personality. There really is someone above greater than them all watching over them.

Beautiful Remains (Loki x Reader) COMPLETEDOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant