Chapter 8- the moment was now.

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I felt sick to my stomach. It wasn’t the food, Kye was a super cook and the produce was fresh everyday. It wasn’t homesickness; I didn’t have time to have thoughts over the adults whom looked after me but I did feel rotten about what I’d done. It was the feeling, the notion that lurched inside every time Kye passed by or smiled. A feeling that set off a firework of emotion, a happy feeling- which I wanted but I just couldn’t have.

Kye was fishing around in the fridge, pulling out a soda for himself. My heart softened, even though the feeling was sickening I loved it. He was just so… Kye. He smiled sending a sprite of electric to my heart,

“You ok?” He slurped the drink in a cool swift movement, lurching it up to drink more.

“Yeah, just absorbing. So many things…”

“Yeah. Maybe we should go out, keep your thoughts away from… everything.”

I got up and walked over to the sofa he was sitting on, that weird look in his eyes.

“Sounds good. But where?”

“There’s a pretty little part around the corner, with blossom tree’s, a lake and a cool breeze is always blowing through. Wanna go there?”

I nodded feeling too full of the previous meal, “Ok, but um… could I go get some different clothes, fresher ones.”

Kye nodded, passing me the unlimited credit card, and adding, “The shops just downstairs. Be quick.”

I took the card and hurried to the flat’s door and arriving at the small boutique below. The shop was empty accept for the middle aged woman serving at the desk, currently stuck on a crossword puzzle.

The clothes here were nice, a vintage style of tops and dressing with jeans and shorts. I began to search through the rails, looking for something that suited me. I edged to the end of the row before sweeping a hanger off. It was a brownish dress, decorated with pink and green flowers, the style of it had a tight corset and then a smooth fabric flowed to the knee.

I took the hanger to the desk and passed the woman the credit card. The card was white and unbranded, but still shinny and normally sized. Without noticing she pushed the bag into my hands and gave back the card. She cleared her throat as if to say ‘go away I need to finish this puzzle’.

“Consequence” I muffled.

“What?” she asked.

“3 across, the result of an action, duh?”

Then I hurried back upstairs to an empty room. I could hear the whistle of hot water spraying down in the bathroom.

I walked to my room and, deciding I was clean, began to undress to change.

The dress was unbelievably soft, a smooth material which was so comfortable against me skin.

I looked into my reflection, seeing how the dress complemented my figure so well… I looked hot.

I heard a door close and decided Kye must be back in the main room. With one more glance in the mirror, I headed into the next room. Kye watched as I wondered in, in my new dress.

“Wow” he muttered under his breathe and I pretended not to hear to avoid awkward conversation.

Kye was in a green striped polo shirt and tattered jeans; I felt a little self conscious because I looked a bit posh-er. He smiled, standing up and walking over to the door.

“Should we go?” He opened the door as I nodded, followed by me springing my way out.

“That dress is nice,” his cheeky façade washed over his face, “like the dresses back home”

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