He wouldn't put it past the empire. After seeing what they enjoyed for entertainment, he couldn't rule anything when it came to the Elysians and their supporters.

The guards were on their regular patrol routes. He'd gotten the timing down now. Another guard wouldn't be due down this corridor for another fifteen minutes. He'd stay on the side of caution, though, and lurk in the shadows. As he continued down the nondescript hall, he spotted something peculiar.

Something very peculiar indeed.

A lone figure emerged from an offshoot ahead. They were dressed in a Hand's uniform, but Iggy knew better. When they turned their head, he caught a look at their striking, blue eyes. He squinted at them.

The stranger had returned.

What's he doing back here?

Blue Eyes moved about with his head on a swivel. His sharp movements and frantic glare suggested he'd lost something. Or perhaps he was looking for something else. Iggy watched him from the darkness, silent as ever. The imposter hadn't noticed him; he was too wrapped up in searching the hall for whatever it is he sought after.

But then his blue eyes landed on Iggy. He froze, his chest tightening. Heat spread across his face and over his neck.

Uh oh.

"Are you spying on me?" he hissed from across the hall.


Blue Eyes stomped up to him. Before he knew it, the man had a fistful of his shirt. He found himself face to face with him, their breaths mingling in the empty hall. Iggy gulped as he was lifted an inch off the ground. Embarrassment replaced his fear.

"C'mon, man," he whined. "I'm not that light."

"What're you following me for?"

"Put me down or I'll scream."

"Yeah, real manly."

Iggy gave him a look. Blue Eyes grumbled a curse before setting him down. Folding his arms over his shirt, he lifted a thick brow at the boy.

"Answer my question."

Rubbing his neck, he glared at the man. "I wasn't spying on you. You just happened to enter the hallway I was walking down."

"Don't you tributes have a curfew? You shouldn't even be out here."

"I don't think you should be either."

Blue Eyes narrowed his stare. "I'm working."

Iggy rolled his eyes. As if he'd believe that. He might've fooled anyone else, but the Arigorii liked to think he possessed a sharper mind than the average person. The galaxy hadn't blessed him with strength or profound abilities like others across the empire, so he developed other skills. Perceptiveness happened to be one of them.

"Wait a minute," Blue Eyes wagged a finger at him before breaking out into a grin. "I know you. Iggorii, right? You finished fifth in the race today."

"Don't remind me. I've been trying to scrub my mind of any mention of that stupid race."

"Anyone else would've been over the moon about winning."

"Yeah, well, not me."


The pair spent the next few seconds sizing each other up. Iggy just now realized how tall this guy was. A bit of muscle hid beneath his uniform as well. Through the white fabric, he noticed tattoos running up and down his forearms. He didn't recognize any of the symbols. They weren't like Tenn's, which seemed rooted in tradition and culture. These were more decorative.

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