listen to my heart beating

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* ❞thirteen ↺ *

jaemin felt as if he were losing everything.

he already knew he was on his way towards losing his life, but there was no way he would remove his feelings for jeno. he couldn't.

he had loved lee jeno his whole life, and loving lee jeno was his whole life.

it hurt to vomit petals day after day, but at least they were of the flowers jeno loved. at least the long, green stalks and yellow blooms suffocating jaemin's lungs were a part of him loved by the one person he wished to be loved by.

at least jeno loved what was killing him.

however, although he would lose his life, he couldn't stand to lose the smallest amount of pride he had for himself as well.

jeno was cheating on him with renjun — jaemin had the misfortune of witnessing it himself.

he was going to end it with jeno, once and for all.

but he wanted one more day.

one more day to rest in the arms of the only person he wished to be loved by...

before he would rest for the last time in his life.

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