Reunited At Last

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Just a short lil something.

Warning: Angst, 'War' mentioned. You have been warned.

Hamilton's POV

It all started on that one bloody night, we were in a war. I wouldn't call it a war...but it was definitely close enough to one. I don't remember much from it, it's all a blur. I remember seeing John, Hercules, Burr, Washington and everyone else. Including Lafayette, our Frenchman. No, our best friend. He's missing, where he went nobody knows. Everyone went searching around all the dead bodies and he wasn't there, he was pronounced dead to everyone who was close to him after a month.

The night the boys and I came home we were all extremely excited about winning. We drank and talked. We did wonder where Lafayette was at the time but us being the idiots we are we thought he went home to rest. I knew I shouldn't have left him alone, he may be smart but he isn't a superhuman. I wasn't thinking, I expected too much from him...and now he's gone. When we learned about his 'death' everyone broke down. John, Herc, Eliza, Angelica, Peggy, Washington whom tried his best not to. I can't blame him though, Laf was basically like a son to him. And then there was Philip, oh god. Philip was standing in the middle of it all, scared and confused. He didn't know what was going on and that was probably the best for him.

No one speaks of Lafayette in fear of crying. No one is brave enough to even look at picture of his face because a wave of guilt washes over them. Every. Single. Time. Days turned to weeks, weeks turned to months and finally it had been years since the news had been spread. Everything was done, we had a funeral despite the body not being there and that was it. We said our 'goodbyes' and it was time to let go. None of us actually let go, how could we after all? But this one fateful afternoon, everyone was sitting or standing in the living room and there was a knock at the door. Peggy was the first to stand and check who it was, everyone was here so who could it be?

Peggy's POV

I walk over to the door, confused. "Who is it?" I ask, the person who answered voice was rough and jagged. Their response was 'Lafayette.' That was a name I haven't heard in a few years, it sent a sharp pain through my chest hearing it again. I immediately got livid and spoke up. Struggling to open the door because of how angry I was, who would make a joke about such a sad thing? "Whoever it is, it isn't funny-" When I opened the door I was met with the one face I wasn't expecting to see, their eyes were a beautiful color and so was their curly yet messed up hair, their outfit was dirty and i knew my eyes weren't playing tricks on me. They couldn't be. My eyes instantly fill with tears and I speak up, my voice cracks and I can no longer hold the tears back. "Laf?"

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