Chapter 2

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Thomas p.o.v

"Thomas, you can sit in the back next to Newt" my new english teacher, Mr. Janson said and pointed at a boy sitting alone at a desk by the windows.

It was the same boy that ran into me this morning. He had a cute face with brown eyes and short blond hair. With a small smile on my face I started walking over to him. As I sat down besides Newt I turned around and hold out my hand.

"Hi, I'm Thomas" I said and smiled as Newts face turned slightly pink. Instead of answering he just looked into my eyes.

I found myself thinking that it looked adorable.

After a couple of seconds just staring, he returned his attention to the board and Mr.Janson, who had started the lesson.

Feeling a little bit confused I dropped my hand and tried to focus on Mr.Janson.


At lunch I walked into the cafeteria and looked around trying to find Newt. As I spotted his red sweater I felt my heartbeat increase.

Newt was sitting alone at a table and as l sat down across from him he looked up with a timid look on his face.

" Hi Newt, I hope you don't mind me sitting here" I asked and smiled at him. He didn't answer this time either, instead he just continued eating his food.

" Don't even try, you won't get a response, greenie" I heard a voice saying behind me.

I turned around to find  a big muscular boy with crazy eyebrows standing behind me. He looked as if he was this one boy at school that every girl wanted.

" Why?" I simply asked him.

" Our little friend Newt over here" he gestured towards Newt "hasn't talked to anyone for about three years. He is mute or whatever you want to call it. He won't answer you, so just stop trying. By the way I'm Gally"

My eyes grew big at Gallys words and I looked back at Newt whose head had turned into a tomato red color.

I couldn't help but feel sad for him. How could a such a beautiful boy stop talking?

As I stared at Newt in disbelief he grabbed his things and ran out of the cafeteria. I could swear I saw a tear on his cheek before he stood up, so I decided to follow him outside.


I am sorry this chapter is so short. Please tell me what you think about this story in comments


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