This is My... Bellamy

Comincia dall'inizio

Bellamy scoffed, "Our first date."

"That was a great date," Clarke smiled.

"Really?" he asked full of disbelief.

"Until you walked out, I'm still calling it a success."

"It's what made me realize that I need help, it brought me to Echo."

"She's gorgeous, you know."

"I hadn't noticed."


"Okay, I have, but I'm yours. I'm not doing anything with anyone but you."

Clarke smiled, "Better. Oh, and we're not hiding from anyone. Our coworkers are going to know, Octavia is going to know. Sneaking around, no matter how fun it was, it's not an option."

"That's fair. So what do you want to do with the rest of our afternoon?"

"I actually have dinner plans with Raven."



"So we have three hours, what do you want to do?"

"There's nothing to do in LA for three hours aside from walking the strip and that's not even a real option with all the tourists."

"Right. Back to work?"

"What do you usually do?"

"Go home and read a manuscript or watch a documentary."

"You are the biggest nerd I know and Raven is a mechanical engineer."

Bellamy laughed. "History's my thing."

"I know," Clarke smirked. "I could ask Raven if it's okay that I bring my boyfriend to dinner."

It felt weird calling him her boyfriend because he was more than that, more than just a boyfriend but it was where they should start, they've had a rough road to where they are and even though Clarke would love to jump into being engaged to him, being Bellamy's girlfriend and having him learn what a relationship is first is better than jumping into something more serious and it not working out in the end.

"Really?" Bellamy's face brightened and Clarke smiled wider.

"If you want. You haven't met her yet so if you don't want to—"

"I want to. Dating 101 right? Meeting the friends, meet the family, I want it all, Clarke. I want everything with you."

Clarke wound up not telling Raven she's bringing Bellamy, Raven knew she was screwing someone for a year and that she didn't want to talk about what happened six months ago because... really, it was her own damn fault, she walked away from him.

They walked into the restaurant, Clarke's thumb rubbed soothing circles on Bellamy's as she pulled him through the restaurant. Bellamy knew of Raven through her and Octavia but had never met her and it was somewhat of a good thing, she's a force and insanely overprotective of Clarke since the whole Finn-cident and then Lexa and Clarke just thought it would be a good idea to keep them separate until it was a sure thing with Bellamy and whenever Octavia had an event that they were both invited to one of them always bowed out for whatever reason so they'd never met.

"Hi?" Raven questioned when Clarke and Bellamy came up to the table.

"Hey, Rae, this is my... Bellamy."

"Your Bellamy?" They asked together.

"Yes. I was going to say my boss but that doesn't explain why he's here and then I was going to say boyfriend but that doesn't feel right either so Bellamy."

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