#39: Glossham x Roadman pt. 3

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Here is the chapter with (hopefully) 2k words xd

I had no ideas so I used a plot generator

GlassHammer is a Cook from Canada who goes on a quest to find a Spicy the souls of the innocent, but first must overcome an elephant version of Gabe the Dog. GlassHammer teams up with a superhero called Geno-Man, whose special power is extreme petting dogs.

Wonderful. I showed it to the globglobgabgab and he approved. 

''Alright now that I've deleted Joy (YN) will surely love me! Unless they fall for that twat Geno. I'll delete him just in case.''

But when he tried to...

Nothing happened!

Not because Geno is an overpowered sans or anything.
Because he needed to recharge his Delet-a-matic 3000 ™!

With what? The souls of the innocent.

''And how will I do that? He thot to himself''

''Did you just say ''he thot to himself'' out loud?'' Geno asked.

''Silence you fool.''


After some more thought on the subject, he knew how to get the souls. The first step was booking a flight to Manito🅱️a. 

Then he'll pose as a chef and when everyone's trust is gained, he'll steal their souls owo.

By rawr xd nuzzling to them.

Or not.

ћемо прећи тај мост када дођемо до њега, as we say in Serbian.

Have fun tryna translate that.

Oh yeah, you can't since you can't copy paste stuff.


So later GH booked a flight to  Manito🅱️a. Afterwards he announced it to his 41 followers on uwotm8pad. 

Geenoh decided to tag along.

''Be careful. AirCanada is evil.'' He warned.

''Shut it now.''


so after wandering through the airport for several hours, they finally got onto the fucking plane.

''Alright les go logang'' 

Geno immideatly pulled out a 3ds and started playing it while GH started watching Disney's new popular movie.


It was about a mexican meeting his spoopy skeleton friends! But then a plot twist happens: the dog eats all the skelly bois and takes over the world. Such an emotional anime 10/10 would recommend. 

By the time they arrived our favorite hammer boi was in TEArs.

Geno was in tears because he couldn't beat a video game. 

And that sums up the 15 hour trip.

I have no sense of time whatsoever.

"So why are we here again"

"We're so that I can finally delet-"
But then a loud trumpet-bork was heard.

A huge Gabe the dog. An elephant-sized one at most.

"And I thought Americans were weird." Hammer boi sighed.

"They are," Geno said while buying bagged milk from the nearest shop.

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