#22: Story Ideas and a gr9 song

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  • इन्हें समर्पित: Mdc123b

  ok so first of all!

I've been thinking about some story ideas lately.

They probably won't be made in the near future (or ever) but here they are:

1. Sex on Mars

Context/Description: First of all, no. This isn't gonna happen. Never. I am a family friendly pg clean Wattpad page. But like my mum was talking to me about how people are gonna go to Mars and uh..


So I was like

"Man, that'd make a great movie title. Sex on Mars."

2. Smoking Baguettes on Frenchie Island

Context/Description: We were at a hospital and I saw a sign that said: "Fumer est interdit à moins de 9 mètres." which translates to "Smoking is prohibited unless 9 meters away" (from the building) and then we saw a bloke smoking a cigar.

I don't know how baguettes came into the picture but I joked around with my mum and we ended up making up this title. We live in Quebec which one of my friends calls "Frenchie Island" even if Quebec isn't an island. haha yes

3. Midnight High Joy

y'all probably know this one

Apple's helping me make it and it's gonna be fantastic

4. Battle for the Yeetabix

Context/Description: Me and the Oof/Oddgummers (Joy and Gh) joke around this one a lot. Basically, Glasshammer thinks that pb is gay and prefers cereal so now me and joy are gonna kick his a-s-s (family friendly pg clean) it<s basically gonna be

Haachi (Opposite!GlassHammer), Me and Joy the peanutbutterers (we should get a better name) vs Haarish, Paci and Sorrow (Opposite!Joy and Geno)

I haven't thought much of it yet but I like the idea

5. Natsuki x Sayori fanfic

Because my last fanfic went SOOO WELL. What a cancerous excuse of a story. But I'm gonna plan this one out a bit more and I feel like my writing's improved. So yeah I might make that.

I was talking to glasshammer and showed him this song: 

I'm waking up

to ash and dust

I wipe my ass and slap my nuts

I'm breathing in

*long inhale*

my genitals


i'm waking up

i feel it in my doge

enough to make my pepes old

this is it

the memepocalypse


the memepocalypse


welcome to le meme page

le meme page

welcome to le meme page

le meme page

i'm shittin and fartin

shittin and fartin


and then later me and Apple made this using a website. I haven't laughed this hard in a while.

This one's for you Mrs. Meme!

My love for you is like the most homosexual ur mom,
Your face reminds me of a female unicorn,
Together, we are like ravioli and condom.

Oh darling Gay,
My homosexual ur mom,
My female oreos,
The perfect companion to my ravioli soul.

The blood of the innocent are red,
My soul is blue,
I like death,
But not as much as I love dying with you!

Oh darling Gay,
Your dick is like lesbian nooses on a winter day,
You're like the most ur mom gay memelord to ever walk frenchie island.

Your female unicorn face,
Your condom soul,
Your lesbian dick,
Your ur mom gay memelord being...

How could I look at another when our homosexual ur mom love is so strong?

I love you Mrs. Meme!  

brb gotta get some tissues 

haha yes

welp that's all I have to say


Album about unplanned thingsजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें