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Cool bike for reference ^


Ironic as it may seem, Mikyla was glad she had run from all of her problems thus far because, without the routine practice, she was sure she would have been caught a long time ago. For some reason, her legs tired out a lot faster than usual but she was used to running out of steam, after all, she always had her back up of willpower as well as the boasted adrenaline of a life or death situation.

These were her people though. Why was she running? Truthfully, Mikyla didn't know herself but she knew she couldn't stop now. It wouldn't be easy to explain how she seemingly underwent extensive plastic surgery and if legends were true it wouldn't be easy to reason with ancestral possessed bodies either.

With each skid and slide to outmanoeuvre the mob behind her, Mikyla had the worrying feeling that she was slowing down. She couldn't hide - she stuck out like a sore thumb - and the only high ground she had was that she knew these parts, potholes and forests alike. The problem was, everyone else did too and it would only be a matter of time before she became a part of the ceremonial sacrifice. It was at these times that resentment was the thickest and be she noble or not, Mikyla didn't think it would matter too much to a blade of steel.

Just as Mikyla vaulted over another fence, she was halted with two enemies sandwiching her in.


The noble boy in front of her raised an eyebrow as if the name being alien to him but he didn't show any signs of hostility. Instead, he wore an expression of anxiety, something which seemed almost impossible. It was then that Mikyla realized that she didn't look like Mikyla anymore and too Nathaniel she must seem like any other noble in a perilous position.

"I know you're a Dreglover and all Mika but you must have been completely out of your freakin' mind to interrupt their ceremony festival watchamajiggy. I also know that I don't come up with the best ideas but I think now wouldn't be the best time to argue and hop on my bike before we become cannibalized or such."

Mikyla felt her eye twitch in annoyance. He had called her by her first name, insulted her and then made fun of her culture. Drows may not have been as socially advanced in the past but they had never cannibalized each other. Nonetheless, Mikyla did look like a Noble now and it was a choice between the lesser of the two evils. As much as she hated it, Mikyla had to choose Nathaniel, this once and this once only.

As more and more Drows vaulted the fence behind her, Mikyla had no time to think of another option and quickly jumped onto the back of Nathaniel's bike. Nathaniel didn't waste any time either and it was a good thing too because just before they sped off, Mikyla felt a hand graze her hair - the hair that was now cropped back short.

A shiver ran down Mikyla's spine as a gust of wind reminded her of how close the encounter was. It didn't help that Nathaniel whooped in victory as the mob slowly tapered into the distance. Nevertheless, Mikyla wasn't brought up as a brute and as much as it pained her to say it, she had too.

"Thank you..."

The words felt like fire as they dribbled from Mikyla's throat, burning each patch of pale skin. She fought the urge to gag, difficult as it was and concentrated on the road ahead. She had no idea where Nathaniel was taking her but hopefully, it was back to school where things might make sense again.

"Umm... What did you say?"

Mikyla blanched. It was bad enough the first time and Mikyla wished she didn't have to repeat herself but her mental restraints were too great. After years of being forced to be polite, it would be harder not to say it than to actually thank the Noble once again.

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