Planning A Strategy

Start from the beginning

"'s not because of me. Mondo just decided to change for the better" Chi said while looking over his shoulder.

"I don't feel any different,though"

Chi then stood up and took his wallet,walking to the door.

"Where are ya goin',Chi?" Leon asked.

"I'm kinda hungry and we ran out of ingredients. I'm going to the convenience store to buy some groceries. I'll be back soon"

"All alone? Will you be fine?" Taka asked.

"The store is near so i'll be alright"

"Yeah but what if you meet the blonde bitch there?"

I'm sure as hell that if they ever meet,the bitch will do anything to ruin Chi's life.

"I'm comin' with ya"

"You don't have to-"

"I.IN.SIST" I stared directly at his eyes,giving him the stare. Everytime i give the stare,it means i don't give a fuck about what ya say,i'll still do it anyway. Chi went quiet and just nod.

"Alright then,we're heading off... Do you guys want anything?" Chi asked while holding the door knob.

"Ice cream,loads of 'em" Leon said. Souda and Taka nodded in agreement.

"Okay. Let's go,Mondo"

I obliged and went outside with him,trying not to think about weird stuff while being cautious of any danger that can harm Chihiro.

Ishimaru's POV

The door shut close,showing that Kyoudai and Chihiro have left.

"Time for planning!" Leon said while rubbing his hands together. He threw his cards to the air, every card landing on different places.

"Was that really necessary?" I sweatdropped. He just made the room messy. Not that much but as a hall monitor,it kind of bothers me. Kazuichi put his hand on my shoulder,just shaking his head.

"Let it go,Ishimaru,Let it go. We'll clean it up after we're done"

"What are ya',Elsa?" Leon said while lifting an eyebrow. He laughed a little while Kazuichi just grinned.

"Sure,i'll be Elsa,you'll be Anna. That way,we can always be together"

Leon went quiet and blushed. Okay,this is getting out of topic.

"Pardon me,but we should really start discussing the strategy now before they come back"

"Yeah,you're right" Leon said,finally gaining his composure.

"Shouldn't Kyoudai be in this planning as well?"

"Yeah,but he isn't because of many reasons. One,we need someone to distract Chihiro and buy us some time for discussing the plan. Two,it's dangerous for Chi to go alone,especially after what happened at the volleyball match. Lastly,three,they can spend some time alone together. They can get closer if they keep on going out like this"

But if Kyoudai didn't know about the plan,then the chances of it to end in success is rather small,isn't it?

"I know what you're thinkin'. Don't worry,we'll talk him up after we're alone without Chihiro around"

Is Leon a phsycic? I should put that aside now,time to focus on planning. The sooner we finish,the better.

"So,gimme all the information that ya got" Leon said.

Earlier this morning when Ms.Yukizome announced that we'll be free for a few days,we agreed to look around for some things that we can use for the plan to make Kyoudai and Chihiro a couple. It's a good thing that Chihiro decided to go back to his room and do some programming. That way,we could look around without worrying about him being curious at what we were doing. When we were done,we regrouped at Chi and Leon's room,pretending to play cards together just so he wouldn't have any suspicion towards us. Here we are,currently succeeding at hiding everything away from Chihiro.

"So,i think the beach is a great way to make them lovers. We can make Chi stuck in a somehow dangerous situation. We'll pretend that we didn't know and Mondo will save him. Chihiro will fall head over heels for him!" Kazuichi said with a huge smile. Did he seriously suggest that?

"What the hell,dude?! Ya tryin' to hurt Chihiro? Heck,he could even die because of your stupid idea! It's either that or we're the ones who are dead when Mondo finds out. Idea denied!" Leon half yelled while making an X with his arms. I agree,it is a terrible idea. Kazuichi just sulked at the corner. I wonder how they will react to my idea.

"I heard from a few people that there is a romantic spot in the forest. Apparently,only 'destined couples' can find that place. We can ask Kyoudai and Chihiro to come with us,but on the day of the search,we will not come. We'll call them and say that we're busy so they can find it on their own. Of course we'll keep a close eye on them"

Leon tapped his chin while thinking.

"That's not a bad idea....but what if they get lost? If they get lost then so do we. And what about the animals lurking in the forest? I think that option is too dangerous,so idea denied. Besides,it could just be a myth made up from the people here"

He doees have a point. We're back to square one then.

"How about you? You got any ideas?" Kazuichi asked,who was finally finished with sulking. Leon showed his smug smile. He only does that when he's feeling super proud,either when he was right or wrong.


Leon took out a pamflet from his pocket. It was all crippled up but it was still readable. Me and Kazuichi took a closer look at it and saw that it was a festival poster.

"As you can see,the resort will hold a festival in a week. How about we make Mondo and Chihiro go there together? They can have fun while we monitor them. In the meantime,we'll train Mondo to man up with his feelings and ask Chihiro out. We gotta make that night perfect"

That is a splendid idea! But i just realized a few things that can make the plan turned down.

"It's a great idea,but we don't know the schedule of events in the festival so how can we set things up? I'm also pretty sure that by the time the festival starts,Ms.Yukizome will have already healed,meaning that we don't have any free time. How can we go to the festival if that happens?"

Leon took out another paper from his pocket. This paper was different from the poster. It seems like it was some sort of schedule.

"I've thought about that and check this out! I asked the receptionist about the festival and he gave me this schedule. It has every event on the festival listed there, including the time when the events start and finish. About Ms.Yukizome,i've talked to her about all of us going to the festival and she said yes!"

Wonderful! We finally have a plan that can work. Chimondo,here i come!

"Good job,dude! I didn't think you out of all people would be able to pull this planning thing off!" Kazuichi slapped Leon's back while laughing.

"Of course,You people always underestimate me. Besides, Chihiro is our little angel. I'd do anything just to help him out with his life. In this case,his love life"

Before things went too far,i asked Leon a question that is very vital for our operation.

"Leon,do you think Chihiro likes Kyoudai?"

"Well...i think so. Not 100% sure but there's a big chance. It's worth a try"

Don't worry,Kyoudai. The three of us will help you out on your love life. Operation Festival Night is on the go!

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