266° [BONUS 2]

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It's been a long time, huh? ... A kind supporter asked me to write once more, and here's the outcome.

 A kind supporter asked me to write once more, and here's the outcome

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No one really ever forgets how much they sacrificed when they finally achieved something they've always been desperate for, it's like battle scars that you made into beauty

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No one really ever forgets how much they sacrificed when they finally achieved something they've always been desperate for, it's like battle scars that you made into beauty. You learn that you can't just drop everything and give up, you'd walk into the arms of failure just like that.

That day, the day that the chanting got louder, got prouder, got prideful. Yoongi immediately dropped to his knees and gripped the mic to his beating heart, tears streaking his uncovered face. He could only even mumble a 'thank you', but that wouldn't be enough to express his gratitude.

His gratitude to his fans, his hard work, his second chance.

His gratitude to his will to life; His lover.

Grabbing the microphone in front of him, Yoongi stared in adoration at the multiple fans up on the balconies. The stage lights made his eyes glimmer, and he could hear the fans roar in pride.

Taking a deep breath, he holds the award in his hands. "... Life without trials isn't really living, isn't it?" Yoongi chuckles softly with a breathy laugh, "... Twenty six years of living, and it took twenty four years till I could love myself. Crazy isn't it?"

Namjoon, Seokjin, Jimin, and Hoseok stood by his side. Namjoon smiling softly as he had his hands behind his back, Seokjin linking arms with him. Hoseok and Jimin smiled at the cameras, Jeongguk on the side of the stage taking plenty of photos. Taehyung wasn't present due to a personal event.

"You can't learn love unless there's hatred," Yoongi says, "We're teaching youth to hate themselves, but for what? To see how long they can last? See how durable they are? Picking out every flaw like flower petals, but leaving the stem that's only left."

"... My music has heavy topics, but those topics need to be spoken about one way or another," Yoongi looks around the front rows filled with celebrities and reporters, "... Happiness in youth these days are scarce."

"I took two years to realize what Top Social Artist meant to me," Yoongi said, placing the BBMAS award into Namjoon's hands. "It's not about the tweets, the likes, or the favorites. It meant that I was giving people a voice, wether in real life or over the internet."

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