Where's His Number?

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        "So, we can deal with that situation later. The photos I saw, made me want to know ALL about your night!" She said, while going for a sip of her drink. I'm still taken back by the news of my newfound relationship with Harry Styles, but I couldn't help but blush, bringing up the recent memories of last night. "El, I honestly feel something between me and him! Like, we walked out of the rink, and he took me to this really steep hill, which he gave me a piggy back ride too since I knew i'd fall. And at the top of the hill you could see the whole city, and there was flowers covering the ground! It was so cute! And we laid down in the flowers and just talked. But not a normal talk, a deep talk. And then, well I uhm walked to the edge of the hill and he followed and then kissed me." I said, while searching for Eleanor's facial expression. 

       "He kissed you more than once! Oh my goodness Bri! He must really like you!" She said, while putting her coffee down in excitement. "Wait, how do you know it was more than on- oh. That's what they got photos of, huh?" I get a bit nervous at the thought of millions of girls seeing photos of me and Harry kissing.  Oh god, I don't even want to see the hate mail. "Yeah! They are everywhere. You can't do anything in the public eye. They can get photos of your every move... it's scary." She shivered at her own words. "So are you going to see him again? Does he have your number?" She was gitty again. "I have his number, and he told me I had to promise to call him. But I need to, because I left one of my shoes in the limo." I said, remembering my favorite pair of heels that had once actually been a pair. "Awe, that's like cinderella! He has the one shoe!" She was swooning now. Eleanor, was quite sappy when it came to love. 

    "Well, when should I call him? Tonight? Or is that to soon?" I say, now nervous, I dont want to seem to anxious. "I think you should call him to- Hold on" She said, as her phone began to ring. "Hello darling, how are you?" She said, instantly smiling. It has to be Louis. "Really? Haha, oh goodness that boy." She said, while looking in my direction. Was she talking about Harry? "She was going to call him tonight." She said, and i knew it was. But why did Louis have to call her about it? "Haha, okay. Love you honey." She said, and hung up the phone. 

     "So, what was that about?" I nervously grab for my coffee. "Well, Harry really fancies you. He's been waiting by the phone for your call. Louis was making fun of him, it was quite entertaining." She said with a giggle. I gulp my mouthful of coffee. "Ha- Harry fancies me?" I stutter out. "Yes Bri! I knew you guys would be so perfect for eachother!" "Oh my god. I don't even know what to say." I slowly speak, with amazement. Harry Styles Fancies me... Harry Styles actually fancies me. 

     "Call him tonight." She said, while grabbing for her almost empty coffee. "I have to find his number. I think I lost it." I said, while realizing that I had no idea where it was. "Sounds like it's time for a scavenger hunt!" She spoke with pure entertainment. "Don't you have his number? Or just text Louis for it?" I say, knowing that she could easily get it, if not already have it. "No, Louis won't let me have the other boys numbers. And if Harry found out you lost it, he'd be dissapointed that you weren't  that interested in him! We must find it! Come on, it'll give us something to do today!" She says, while leaving her seat and sliding on her aviators. This is going to be a long day.


         Pants, shirts, underwear, makeup, bed sheets, pillows, and everything else you could possibly have in your room was covering the floor. And still no hope to finding the number. My legs were stuck deep under a pile of clothes, disabling me from moving. Eleanor, was lying down on the top of the thick layer covereing the ground, exhausted. "I don't really think this was a good idea El." I say, while laughing and pulling a pair of underwear off of my head. She laughs as well, and we sit there for a few minutes, without any words just bursts of laughter. We could easily get Harry's number and yet we chose to tear apart the room to find a small tiny piece of paper. I lay my head back, clearly stuck in the pile. Then we hear a knock at the door.

    Eleanor lasily got up and tried to pry the door open. I watched as an even bigger pile bilt up while the door slowly moved open. "El, I texted you like thirty times, why haven't you replie- Oh my god. What happened in here?" He said while laughing at the view. I looked up to see Louis, Niall, and Harry at the door. OH MY GOD, HARRY'S AT THE DOOR, AND I  LOOK LIKE THIS! I try to remove my body from the thousands of clothes burrying it down, but I couldn't get up. "Well, we decided to um, give the room a makeover?" She said while bursting into laughter again. All of us began to laugh. Harry walked ontop of the clothes towards me. "Need some help up?" He said, with a cheeky grin. "Yes please." I said, in distress. He grabbed my arms and practically through me up into the ceiling. I felt my feet leave the ground and fly back down. "Wow." I said, without realizing it. "Haha, sorry." He chuckled and I instantly blushed. He was so strong and muscular. Ugh, snap out of it Sabrina!

    "So what were you guys actually doing?" Louis asked, while crossing across the room to find the bed. "We well-" Eleanor began to say, but i cut her off to just tell the truth. "We were looking for Harry's number. I misplaced it, and well we figured it'd bypass some time." I said, laughing at the sight of the ground. "All of this just to find my number? Why didn't you just ask Louis?" Harry looked at me a laughed. "That's what I told El!" I said, looking at Eleanor. "Sorry, I just thought it'd be fun." She sheepishly said, while looking to Niall. "We'll we came to ask if you guys wanted to go get some food, Niall was hungry, but looks like we will be helping you guys with this mess instead!" Louis said,  with a laugh. He picked up a bra from the side of him, and looking at it with an akward smirk to Eleanor. Eleanor shrugged. "Um, that's mine." I replied hesitantly. We all laughed as he threw it back down next to him. Harry looked over at me with a seductive grin. Damn you Harry, and your apealing dirty mind. That's when i saw Niall with his arms crossed, pouting about not getting food. "I'm sorry Niall. If we hurry, we can get there soon!" I say and he looks up with a smile.  

       "Well let's get this started! Where's the music?" Harry said, while looking around for a stereo. I pointed to the corner, to the black stereo with a pink shirt hanging on it. He through it off and shoved his eyephone onto the adapter. Olly murs began to play and we all started to clean and run around the room. 

    "Whose shirt? Whose shorts? Whose bra?" Were consistently asked, while the boys threw them into each of our closets, and smirked when putting the bra's and underwear away. Those preverted boys. "Oh my god I love this song!" I say, while dancing around to "Heart Skips  a Beat" By Olly Murs. Everyone joined in and danced around the room. Harry grabbed my hand and spun me around. I was a bit taken back, but a serge of excitement rushed through me, as I danced around with him. I looked over to see Niall doing an adorable little Irish jig and cracking up. Louis and Eleanor were doing something that looked like a dirtier version of the salsa, which made me laugh. And then Rizzle kicks began to rap, and my whole body froze. Eleanor looked over to me almost on cue, knowing exactly why I had froze. "Um, let's just change this." She said while running and tripping over the few things left on the floor. The song changed to something from John Mayer, and all the boys awkwardly exchanged glances.

    "Sorry, it's kind of a long story." I said, still remembering the night. Then I began to wonder if he'd called me again. Eleanor had my phone all day, and I hadn't checked it at all once I initially turned it off. Harry's voice brought me back to reality. "Well, the rooms all clean. Do you guys want to get dressed and get some dinner with us?" Harry turned to me, while asking the question. I looked down once he said "get dressed" to realize that I was in a huge baggy t-shirt and some high socks. I instantly through my arms across me, and looked to Eleanor to see she was in the same thing minus the socks. I felt a bit more comfortable, knowing I wasn't the only one. I look back up to Harry to see him giggling, along with Niall and Louis. "We'll be in the hallway." Louis said while kissing El and walking out. Harry released his grip on my hand and walked out. Wait, Harry was holding my hand? I instantly grew the chills, realizing that our fingers had been intertwined for who knows how long. 

   "I didn't even realize that we were still in these!" I say, spreading out the extra large t-shirt. "I know, me either! I wouldv'e changed!" She said, clearly oblivious to it aswell. "Why does he always see me at my worse!" I ask, while reaching for a t-shirt in my newly cleaned closet. "I think it's a plus. Clearly he likes you without the makeup or cute clothes. You don't have to try hard." Her words made me smile, knowing that he really did like me for me, and not the hair, makeup, and flashy clothes. My whole body tingles, and I look to Eleanor to find her laughing at me. 

"What?" I said, knowing she saw me. "Oh nothing." She was clearly lying. But i didn't care. Tonight will be fun. 

Authors note: Hi guys! I hope you like the story! Tell me what you guys think! (:  

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