"Why would you want to do that?" I ask warily, crossing my arms across my chest.

   "I have a feeling that the person who has brought you back into the light is in that room and I would like to meet them. If it isn't any trouble." Her eyes drift over towards the bathroom door, but I make no move to head in that direction. 

   "That isn't my choice to make." I reply honestly. She looks back at me with a small smile on her lips. "It's his choice." 


   "His name is Alexander Hamilton. He has been living with me and dating me for half a year now. He can be a pain in the ass at times, but he takes his privacy rather seriously so I am leaving the decision up to him." 

   "I see." She replies after a moment of thought. I watch her expression closely, it remains unwavering as her eyes remain on the door.

   "If that is going to be a problem for you then-"

   "Stop talking." Her eyes meet mine sharply. "You of all people should know better than to assume that I am homophobic." I blink in astonishment at her reprimand. "Thomas, there is something much more important than your love life that we need to talk about." She pats the edge of the bed, and I slowly take a seat beside her.

   "What did you really come here to talk about?" I ask suspiciously. "You're starting to give me a bad feeling." 

   "I received a letter a few weeks ago that was addressed to you. Whoever wrote it obviously didn't know that you had left the estate several years ago." She fumbles with her fingers, her eyes remaining fixed on her actions. "The handwriting looked like Sally's so I neglected to open it for quite some time."

   "But you read it?"

   "I did." she confesses softly. "There has been a secret that has been kept from you for too long." 

   "Momma, spit it out." 

   "When you were a child I told you that every time a life leaves this world another life enters, do you remember that?"

   "You told me that after Nanna passed away." I murmur. 

   "That's right." She smiles sadly. "When Martha had died she made a choice without telling anyone, except for her half sister Sally Hemmings." 

   "I know Sally." 

   "Martha had asked Sally to be her surrogate before her passing, so your child could live even if she could not." My blood runs cold. Momma reaches out a hand to me, her slim fingers gripping onto my hand but I can barely feel the pressure of her hand on mine.

   "No." I shake my head from side to side. "She wasn't pregnant. She would have told me."


   "She would have told me!" I snap in protest. "She would have told me if we were having a baby." My voice cracks on the final word. Momma pulls me into her arms, her hands cradling me as if I were a child again. "There can't be a baby." I whimper, holding back the tears.

   "I'm sorry my darling." She whispers. "You were grieving and Sally didn't think it right to give you a child when you couldn't even see the light at the end of the tunnel. She has been raising your baby ever since her sister passed."

   "What's the baby's name?"

   "Martha, after her mother." 

   "That's a beautiful name." I jump at the sound of Alex's voice. "Just like the sentiment." 

   "Alex." I whimper, reaching a hand out to him. He walks over and takes my hand in his. "Alex." It doesn't take long before I launch myself into his arms and am completely enveloped in his embrace. "I'm so sorry." I whisper into his neck. "I'm so sorry."

   "Shh." He threads his fingers in my hair tightly. "There's nothing to be sorry about." I grip onto his shirt tightly as I sob into his neck. "It's okay to cry." I sink down to my knees, dragging him down with me as he continues to hold me, his body devoid of trembling. He has always somehow found the strength to keep me together every time I fall apart. 

   "Alex." I cry. 

   "Shh." He hushes. "Hi. I'm Alexander, it's nice to meet you." One of his hands leaves my back as he extends it to my mother. 

   "It's a pleasure to meet you Alexander." 

   "Sorry that it couldn't have been sooner." 

   "Actually, I think your timing is perfect." She muses. "Take care of my boy."

   "I'll do my best."

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