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Victoria's eyes widened in shock. She couldn't believe this was happening. She couldn't help but feel like what she was doing was wrong. She kissed back but still felt as if she was betraying Betty for some odd reason. Victoria knew she couldn't be the girl that stole people's boyfriend and right now, it felt like she was doing just that.

Victoria pulled away from kissing Jughead and he gave her a confused look, "I-I have to go." She said quietly before turning away.

She headed out the garage door before into the house, "Tori, wait! Victoria! Wait, Victoria!" She heard Jughead yelling after her.

When she entered the kitchen, Joaquin and FP were still standing there and were giving her concerning looks.

"Thank you, I'll be taking this." She told Joaquin, snatching the red plastic cup from Joaquin's grasp.

She chugged the whole thing down before tossing the cup, "I have to go." She whispered, turning away from the two males before heading to the door.

Without any trouble, she had gotten past Cheryl and Chuck, unlike Jughead, who was stopped before he could chase after Victoria.


As she walked home, she had received numerous texts from Jughead and also Archie, asking her where she was. Finally, she arrived at her trailer, only to find her sister having a little party with some of the Serpents. Victoria felt guilty, forgetting that it was her sister's birthday, not just Jughead's.

All eyes were on her when she entered, which she hated more than anything. She saw Sweet Pea there, too, causing her to groan in annoyance.

Soon enough, everyone went back to partying while Sweet Pea's attention was on her. He got up from his seat and made his way over to her, a cup of alcohol in his hand, "What's got your panties in a twist, princess?" He asked her, "Not that I care or anything."

Victoria chuckled, grabbing the drink from his hands before she took a couple large sips of it. Once it was empty, she handed it back to him, "Why do you always do that?" She spoke up suddenly.

Sweet Pea raised a brow at her, not knowing what she was talking about, "What do you mean?" He asked her confused.

"Why do you act like you don't care?" She replied quietly.

He shrugged his shoulder, not knowing the exact answer, "I don't know, I just do. Same as you." 

Victoria scoffed, "I care, I definitely care. I care about a lot of things."

Sweet Pea couldn't help but laugh, "What? Like the boy you've been secret pining over since the fifth grade?" He asked her and Victoria gave him a shocked look, "Alex loves to talk about you at the Wyrm, especially your love life for some reason." Sweet Pea informed her.

Victoria slowly nodded her head in understanding. It was quiet between the two of them while the rest of the trailer was loud and chaotic. Sweet Pea hated the awkward silence between them and decided to break it, "Hey, would you maybe wanna--" Before Sweet Pea could finish his sentence, Jughead, of all people, came storming in and all of Victoria's attention went on him instead of Sweet Pea.

"What the hell happened to you!" Victoria shouted at Jughead, who had a large cut under his left eye. Jughead looked up at her, clearly out of breath, "And why are you out of breath?"

"I ran here. Chuck and Cheryl...they...stopped me before...I could catch up...with you," Jughead said in between breaths, "They forced us all to play a game called Secret and Saints. Chuck mentioned your name and was talking bad crap about you. He was saying stuff about you putting all those boys in the playbook and about how you're just stringing along Archie and I. I got mad and punched him in the face. He punched me back, things got ugly and I came straight here in search of you." He explained and Victoria couldn't help but smile at him.

"And here I thinking you were the lover and I was the fighter," Victoria commented, causing Jughead to laugh.

"Unlike you, I'm both." He replied before walking closer to her.

Jughead glanced around the trailer, noticing there was a party being held at that moment. He took a deep breath, looking back over at Tori, "Betty and I broke up. For good this time," He announced to her, "Victoria Jane Munroe, I've liked you for so so long and I still don't know for sure if you like me back what with the way you ran out of the party. But if you do, would you do the honors of being not just my number one best friend, but also my girlfriend?" He asked her, a smile forming on his lips. 

Victoria's serious face turned into a large smile as she nodded her head, "Of course, I would, Jughead Jones." She replied and Jughead's smile became even larger as he leaned forward, kissing Victoria on the lips.

This time, she didn't waste any time kissing back. After a long moment, they pulled away from each other, both of them smiling, "Looks like my birthday wish came true." He whispered to her softly.

Just then, a pair of arms wrapped around both Jughead and Victoria, causing them to look up, confused. Of course, it was just Victoria's older sister, Alex, who was clearly wasted.

"Aww, look at you two," Alex spoke up, tears in her eyes.

"Are you...Are you crying?" Victoria asked, giving her sister a concerned looking face.

"Yes, of course, I'm crying!" Alex whined, "My little sister finally got together with her childhood crush after so many years of pining over him. And Jughead, you finally grew the balls to ask her out. I couldn't be happier, guys! And also..." Alex trailed off, looking down at the ground, "I may or may not have had a little too much to drink and smoked way too much weed. One more thing, don't get mad or anything, but I puked on your football gear outside, Victoria."

Victoria looked at her sister shocked while Jughead began to chuckle, "You did what?" Victoria gasped as she got ready to go outside.

"Hey! Don't blame me! Blame the tequila and plus, you can't get mad at me, it's my flipping birthday."

AN: YESSS, they're finally official!

 I just have to say, writing their relationship is probably going to be so hard bc Victoria and Jughead may be best friends, but they're polar opposites in so many ways, even more than when Jughead and Betty were together.

  Victoria's captain of the Riverdale Bulldogs, while Jughead's an outsider loner boy. Victoria's rough with people while Jughead's a bit gentle towards people. Victoria's the type to have one night stands with people while Jughead...Well, Jughead's definetely not that. And so much more that I don't feel like writing bc I need to write the next chapter before I have to sleep for school 😂

Just Friends ▻ Jughead JonesDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora