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  The next morning right before practice, Victoria stood at her locker, putting her school materials back before heading to the locker room. 

"Tori!" A voice spoke up loudly, quickly making his way over to Victoria. Victoria didn't even have to turn her head to see that it was Jughead, she just knew by hearing his voice, "Tori!" He called out and Victoria acted like she didn't hear him, "Are you seriously ignoring me right now? What are we, five?"

Victoria turned her head to glare at him, an unhappy look on her face, "Screw you," She snapped at him, closing her locker.

As she began to walk away, Jughead grabbed her by the arm, pulling back, "Please, Tori," He pleaded, "I'm really sorry for kicking you out like that. It was really immature of me."

"You think?" She scoffed, "Pardon me, Jug, but you really hurt my feelings. I thought I only had to worry about Archie hurting my feelings in this friendship, but I guess I was wrong.I have to worry about you, too."

"I tried to call you after you fled, Tori," He informed her, "You didn't answer so I tried to go to your trailer to see you, but your sister said you didn't come home."

Victoria was quiet, wondering if she should tell him where she was, "That's because I slept over Archie's." She stated and Jughead frowned in confusion.

He was silent, gritting his teeth, almost as if he were jealous, "Please tell me you didn't sleep with Archie, Tori," He begged and Victoria smirked.

"I didn't sleep with him, chill. What kind of person do you think I am?" She replied, "We had a mini-makeout session then shared a bed. That's all. He wanted to get over Grundy and I...Well, I was just mad." She explained to him, trying not to admit that she had feelings for Jughead.

"You kissed Archie?" He asked defensively, "Tori, why the hell did you do that?"

"Because I wanted to, Jughead!" She whisper-shouted, "Why do you care anyway? You're with Betty."

"Who said I'm with Betty?" He questioned with attitude.

"Sorry, I mean you like Betty." She corrected herself, "I gotta get to Football practice. Bye, Jug."


After football practice was over, Victoria stood in the boy's locker room along with the rest of the team. She watched as Archie leaned his head on the locker, clearly overthinking how bad he sucked at practice, "Where were you, Andrews?" Coach Clayton asked as he approached the redhead, "Because you weren't on my field just now."

"I'm sorry, Coach," Archie apologized, sounding a bit whiny in Victoria's opinion.

Coach stared at Archie for a moment before looking over at Victoria and Reggie, who was just passing by them, "Mantle! Munroe!" He shouted out.

"What's up, Coach?" Victoria replied calmly, causing Archie to turn to stare at both Victoria and Reggie.

"The two of you want to be captain?" He questioned curiously.

Both Reggie and Victoria began to smile, making their over to their Coach and Archie, "Hell yeah we do." Reggie answered for both himself and Victoria.

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