Arabella - Seven

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Music makes the world go 'round and gives meaning to the heart that can't express itself. Music brings cultures together. It displays feelings of all joys. Music is the eye of the world around.

I lift an eyebrow and blink at him.
"I'm going to assume that you're talking about the band."
"Yes. I love The Beatles. They have such great songs and they are mellow."
"So you aren't the punk rocker everyone makes you out to be?" I say, a little disappointed.
"Who says that? Just because they are my favorite doesn't mean that I disregard other pieces of music. And I mean that excluding rap. I find it unpleasant and annoyingly repetitive."
"Repetitive?" I ask, not hearing that from a guy. Usually they love rap of some sort. "You're kind of weird."
Bourne frowns. "Just because I don't like rap? And it's repetitive because it mostly talks about the same things in all the songs. 'I'm a gangster with lots of money and lots of hoes and I use drugs and am running from the cops.' Is pretty much the premise of most of their songs."
Well he is right... "You don't like Eminem? He's pretty diverse."
"Very few of his songs. Depending on the subject matter, I don't listen to it. I don't like screamo music either. People think I like those things because I'm a badass and have a tattoo. Stereotyping is overrated."
"Ditto to that, ma brother." I say, lifting my milk carton to him. "People think I'm a slut because I'm pregnant."
"To which you are most definitely not." He says with the cutest smile as he leans in to me. "Besides, I find your body glow very attractive. It's like an angel."
I laugh nervously and look away. "You have pretty good lines."
Bourne frowns at me and pulls away. "Lines? I wish you would please stop thinking I'm some retarded person here to make your life miserable in a few months... Give me a chance, will you?"
"I thought I was."
"In your mind, you divvy." He says, poking my forehead softly. "You may say one thing but your actions say something else. Besides, you women are masters of hidden meanings. You can be frank with me, Arabella; in fact it would be best if you were. I will always be frank with you unless it hurts you profusely."
"How do you mean?"
"Like if you asked if you looked fat. That's the grave digging question that you women always throw at us and make us flub majorly. Either way, I love you no matter what happens to your body."
I feel my jaw drop a little and it looks like he startles himself as what he says sinks into both my and his brain.
"Uh, I mean... um... See ya!"
He gets up so fast that I don't have a chance to grab him. He said he loves me...

So much for my ice cream trip. Bourne must have embarrassed himself bad enough to leave me hanging. And I was totally looking forward to it too! I sigh and head for the bus when I get shoved hard from behind and almost run into a pole.
"Stop being so slow, slut!" someone yells at me.
I turn around and am not surprised to find Tyler and Keisha laughing at me. I sigh and just continue on.
"Hey! Get back here! I think you need to apologize for getting in our way you fat ass."
I feel pricks at my eyes and force myself not to cry. I will never cry in front of these bitches. I know what I am and I know what I'm not. Whether they want to believe it or not is their prerogative but I will not let their name calling get to me dammit!
One of the two grabs my hair and starts trying to start a fight with me. I just want to get away and get my body away from all this concrete. If I fall and hurt this child... I don't care if it was made the way it was, but if it dies because of these bitches, I will never be able to keep myself from killing them with my own bare hands.
"Now, now,"
"You two really are a nuisance."
"How about-"
"We play a game?"
I feel my hair being released and strong arms wrap around my shoulders, pulling me into an embrace.
"Are you alright?" a deep voice asks.
I begin to sob and just wrap my arms around Bourne's torso –well, what torso I can get around. He's a tree!
"You'll be fine, Arabella." He murmurs to me softly. "Alright boys, let them have it."
I peek out from under Bourne's arm and I see the twins, the same hat on each of their heads and they put their heads together.
"Here's a game we can play together." One of them says.
"If you get it right, we won't beat you up." The other says.
"If you get it wrong, we'll have to rearrange your faces." They say at the same time.
Keisha and Tyler look at each other with confused faces.
"What the hell? You two are so weird." She tries to walk away but they move in front of her. "Move freaks!"
"Uh uh uh, that's not the magic word." They say together, waggling their fingers in unison.
I giggle at their sinister nature and feel Bourne looking at me.
"Are you alright now?"
I look up and see that he has a look of concern.
"Yes, I'm fine."
There is a crowd now that is watching the little display that the twins are putting on with Keisha and Tyler. While being distracted by Keisha, Tyler thinks she can get away but one of the twins breaks off from the other and slinks up under Tyler's chin, touching it with his finger.
"And where do you think yoooou're going? You have to play the game too."
"I, uh..."
"So, who am I?" they both say to either girl.
Keisha and Tyler finally realize they won't get anywhere without playing the game and huff.
"I don't know, this dork in front of me is uh... what's his name?" she says, looking at Tyler. "It starts with an L?"
"Right. You're Locker."
"And this one in front of me is Humphrey."
The twins look at each other and grin. "You're right!"
"Really?" they both ask.
"Yep. Good job, you're two of the few." They say, bowing and letting the two pass.
"That's it?" I ask Bourne, kind of pissed.
"Wait for it."
I lift my eyebrow as the twins come together again. The looks on their faces seem to make Keisha and Tyler aware that something is going on.
"What? You said that if we guessed right you wouldn't hurt us, so why are you staring at us."
"We said we wouldn't hurt you,"
"That's true."
"But we never said they wouldn't." they say, pointing behind everyone.
Bourne turns and there is a group of girls with angry looks on their faces.
"You bitches! Thinking you can beat up a pregnant girl! Get them!" they yell, starting to run after them.
The two ran and I watch in total amazement.
"How was that, Boss?" the twins say in unison and a curtsey, which is odd.
"Good job boys."
"Um... what just happened?"
"I told the Prolife Club what was going on and they decided to end the situation. Though, I think the other half of that will not be too pleased if you get my meaning. Plus, I think there's some Bible Girls in there and a secret society of Carondolet fans. They don't like other girls having interaction with the twins."
"We have all those clubs?" I ask.
"They're not official." A twin says.
"They're all 'top secret'."
"And by the way, I told you not to lie, guys."
They both shrug. "We wanted to see them get chased around."
"And I want ice cream!" one growls.
We start walking and I look up at Bourne.
"Why did you come for me?"
"I already told you why. I won't repeat it." He says with a wink to me. "Do you really think I would leave you alone after I promised to reward you for standing up to your ex? I keep my promises."
"Okay... Um, but who is who?" I ask, pointing to the twins.
"I'm Humphrey."
"And I'm Lochner."
"As a hint, Humphrey is fatter." Bourne says with a smirk.
"Hey! I was first born! I can't help that!" he growls.
I nod, realizing that this was the start of something. It looks like maybe Bourne is true to his word. I feel at ease with him and even the twins are growing on me. They have been good friends to me the past few days. More than anyone else.
"I know I seem like a broke record but just... just one last time..."
"Why do you like me? Why are you trying to be with me when I'm like this? A social outcast; a pregnant social outcast at that."
Bourne stops and bends down to look me in the eyes. The gold of his irises make me feel warm and safe; the color of honey makes me want to love him. He puts an out of place hair out of my face and touches my chin. With the most loving expression I have ever seen on a man, even my ex-husband, he says, "Because, love is all, love is new. Love is all and love is you."
So it was a line from The Beatles, but I have never had the lyrics of a song lift me higher than that one did. Yes, music is indeed able to reveal feelings we can't express ourselves.

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