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You would think someone with my attitude would stay out of the picture, but I stay in just enough to pass by. Of course I have to watch out for my cravings of human blood and super strength but whatever it's cool. Wearing a burgundy dress, with a black jacket and flats this is going well. Shaking my head to beat of FOB in my headphones I'm currently in a party I was invited to by my "friends". Standing in the middle of the crowd so that I'm noticed but not too much. With someone chugging large amounts of alcohol I almost was impressed. After everyone cheered since he finished, I made a thumbs up and smirked a little. Well, people started dancing and before attention got pulled to me, I started dancing too. Swaying through everyone since I'm short and proud, I slid out to a corner with talking boys. Not moving though cause like I said, representation is key.

Boy: Hey their sweet cheeks what's poppin?

Pulling my headphones to my neck, and turning them off I said.

Sage: Oh you know the usual, trying to find some better pick up lines.

Putting some hair behind my ear giving them the side eye, the rest left as one stayed, ironically another "friend".

Guy: So Sage, didn't think I'd find you here?

Sage: I like the energy of the party, not the people in it.

He chuckled while pouring a drink for me, as he started to outstretch it.

Guy: Man you never lighten up do you?

Sage: Especially  when it comes to drugs.

Taking the hint he drank it himself before jumping back into the dance floor. Mission accomplished, people saw me so let's slip out of here. Cause I don't think I can hold my cravings back much longer. Reaching a safe spot behind the house I sped to my junkyard pushing down my adrenaline.

Sage: That was too close.

I guess I forgot to mention I haven't drunken human blood in years so it smells fresh and new to me. I've been doing a small animal diet which pushes it away. Sam, my grandpa though never seeing him, knows what I am and always leaves a freshly killed meal for me. Walking into his kinduve house-shop, I sat down in the booth putting my purse down. Immediately picking the rat up and sinking my sharp teeth into it, I tried not to look like I was enjoying it. Finishing I licked my teeth carefully as they retreated back to my regular. Sure it doesn't make sense but nothing ever really does.

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