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I wanted to say things normally but my metabolism wasn't letting me.

Sage: Where'd they go! Need to kill the-

He made a look towards me, so I changed it too.

Sage: Subdue the survivors!

He smiled as we cautiously walked around the warehouse. It was a slaughter, casualties on both sides. Nobody was moving, which gave me a bad sign. Getting pulled from behind, ironically, I was held at nail point by a royal vampire. How did I know? We-I don't dress like that.

R: Walk away exorcist, I've got something for her-

Walle: Not a chance. She comes with me.

Two more sprung up behind him, and I hate I couldn't sense how many there were.

Walle: 5 survivors, that's not enough.

He pulled out a cross and normally I would flinch, but since I'm human now I was able to escape the guys grasp.

Walle: Cmon!

I was counting three back there as we were running, so the two are probably trying to ambush us. Sure enough they dropped down onto us, pinning us down. The girls nails scratched my wrist as I winced.

R: You will pay dearly, VQ.

Sage: Or you could just repopulate!

They all gave me confused looks as I continued.

Sage: So you guys seriously haven't thought of that! So simple!-

R: Simple huh?, ok you'll be our star player.

Walle: No way, like I said she's coming with me.-

R: You are not in a position to make demands! Hmm, I'll start.

They pulled me up as I struggled in their grip, moving anyway, I tried to make a plan to resist the vampire spell. They use it on people like me, to fool them that everything is ok. But it's not.
He'll either drink my blood and kill me, or make me have a bunch of babies and then I die. Not liking my odds here. Back in my bedroom, I tried not to make eye contact as he closed the door.

R: Don't worry, being a baby bringer is not so bad.

Looking down for anything to defend myself with, I replied.

Sage: I don't think you qualify to have an opinion.

R: No, other girls have told me. They love it.

Grabbing a knife I sliced at him, which he dodged backward, twisting my hand I dropped the knife as I closed my eyes. He pulled me to him touching his nose to mine. Trying to prey on my emotions I didn't expect to hear.

Walle: Your hurt.

I knew it was an illusion, so I didn't open my eyes. He cradled my hand, while pushing some hair behind my ear.

Walle: Cmon its me.

Sage: Oh sure it is.

Walle: Seriously.

Sage: Then prove it.

Walle: You have a light and a darkness in you, accepting that is your best quality. I saw the pain of your parents, and joy of Sam. You deserve to live, because you are Gods purpose.

Slowly opening my eyes, I knew Royals couldn't even utter that name. Waiting for my consequence, I got none as he hugged me and I hugged back.

Sage: Are they?-

Walle: No, just subdued.

Sage: So you couldn't have done that earlier?

Walle: I needed time, and so do you. But answer me this first, wanna run away with me?

I smirked and said.

Sage: Yes.

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