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GASPING IN SHOCK ADELINE TURNED AROUND dropping the book in the process and spoke in a timid voice "Who are you?" "I believe I asked you a question first little girl

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GASPING IN SHOCK ADELINE TURNED AROUND dropping the book in the process and spoke in a timid voice "Who are you?" "I believe I asked you a question first little girl." the man replied distastefully. Adeline took the time to analyse the man in-front of her. He had long black hair the reached just above his neck, green eyes which were a lovely shade of emerald and an evil smirk on his lips. He just screamed power and authority but also a bit of mischief. Overall this man was very intimidating and Addy tried not to show any fear towards him.

"I was just wondering around, I couldn't bear to be in a room with my brother and the Avengers." she answered his question. "Now answer my question who are you?" the Parker girl asked bravely folding her arms over her chest.

"I am Loki, Prince of Asgard, God of Mischief an- wait are you yawning?" "No no carry on Lokey." "It's Loki and as I was saying I am Loki, Prince of Asgard, God of Mischief and Lies. What's your name mortal?"  Loki answered her previous question.

"Dude you may want to shorten that." came Adeline's snarky reply. "And my names Adeline, Adeline Parker." she introduced herself fake curtsying. "Ohh so you're the sister of that Peter boy." Loki said. "Unfortunately." Adeline mumbled fake smiling before turning around to pick up her book that had fallen on the floor and sitting back down.

"Excuse me- yes hi that's my seat you're currently sitting in so if you would gladly move." the man said or more like demanded. "I'm sorry, but I don't see your name on it." Adeline retaliated. "That's not the point, I was sitting there first so remove yourself from it." Adeline hummed flipping through the book "Don't think I will. There's a million other seats in this library, go find one."

Loki and Adeline had a staring match both glaring at each other before Loki smiled a small smile and commented "You have fire, unlike some of these mortals who just cower in fear and obey everything I say." Adeline nodded "Yeah you have to have a backbone where I live- and dance or people will just walk all over you." Loki nodded seriously before taking a seat opposite the young girl.

"Err Mr.Loki- yes hello. You said you were a prince, and I was wondering if you could tell me some stories?" Adeline asked. "You see I'm thinking of becoming a princess myself." she stated seriously to the God in front of her. Loki just laughed at the girl in front of him finding her quite amusing. "Sure I'll tell you some stories but first how do you plan on becoming a princess?" the prince asked. "World domination." "Ah right of course I've tried that before didn't work" he nodded. Loki cleared his throat before facing the dancer in front of him. "So once when I was little I was at a ball and-"


"Adeline's taken quite along time, should I go and check on her?" Steve questioned showing concern for the girl. "No no it's fine I'll just ask Jarvis." Tony responded. "Hey Jarvis can you tell me where Adeline is?"

"Yes Mr.Stark. Miss.Parker appears to be in the library currently would you like to see the surveillance footage?" Jarvis' voice rang through the room. Tony nodded "Yes thank you Jarvis."

Suddenly a big hologram erupted from the ceiling before showing the live footage from the library. All the Avengers were surprised to see that Adeline sitting next to Loki laughing about something he had just said. Peter gasped dramatically, shooting out of his seat and grabbing onto the closest thing he could get his hands on- which happened to be Thor's arm- before turning to Tony and saying "OH MY GOSH. My sister is sitting next to Loki. Laughing with him. Having fun with someone who had tried to kill us. Multiple times." "Ah don't fret spider-boy your sister shall be fine. Loki have shown he isn't the nicest person but he's not cruel enough to harm a child." Peter, who was still gripping on to Thor's arm, tried to calm himself down mumbling "It's fine. Everything is totally cool." "AHHHHHHH-" "Clint shut up, I'm trying to listen to them, this is the most Loki's talked for 5 months." Natasha snapped at Clint who had just stepped on a piece of lego. Probably one of Tony's. "Parker you can let go of my arm now." Thor stated quietly. "Nah I think I'm good." Peter commented hugging the arm tighter in awe at how big and muscly it is.

All the Avengers zeroed in on the conversation between Adeline and Loki. "So I'm standing there hold a dagger, looking like a hot mess when the maid comes in, screams, before running off to the main hall to tell everyone. I mean all I was trying to do was give the animal a hair cut but nooo it's wrong to even touch it." Adeline couldn't help it anymore and burst out laughing at Loki's outrageous story. "I can't believe that that's joke." she stated while giggling still.

"I've never seen Addy laugh like that before." Peter said mainly to himself. "So anyway Lady Parker tell me about your plan for world domination." the green eyed man said. "Firstly stop with the titles. Secondly I can't tell you me plan you might steal it and become a princess yourself and thirdly call me Addy or Ads all my friends do." she stated. "Friends?" "Yeah" Adeline nodded "You want to be friends, right?" Addy questioned tilting her head to the side. "Yes I think that would be nice. You are quite an amusing mortal to be around." Loki said. I've never really had a friend before. Loki thought before vowing to himself that he would protect this strange human in front of him who had made him smile when no one else could.

All the Avengers watched their interaction with a smile as the cold God smiled except from Tony and Peter. "I still don't think this is a good id- yeah okay I'll shut up" when he received multiple glares from the super heroes in front of him. I just hope she's okay Peter thought before turning back to the debate about who would win in a fight between 100 small ducks or one big giant duck.

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