Chapter 5: Please.

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 One of the slicers cut their hands during work. I remember when I first tried it out, Winston forced me to cut a pig, the worst part was, I was good at it. Really good. I was cutting the pig and I got lost in my thoughts, if it wasn't for Winston's voice that jolted me out of my fantasy, I wouldn't have stopped. I loved it. To this day, I pretend that I'm afraid of being a slicer.

I had just finished bandaging his arm and began to wash my hands. I was still shaking from laughter because Cliff made a funny face at me while we were working. Out of nowhere, Newt rushed into the building with serious expression plastered over his face.

"Cassidy, get to the doors right now! They are closing in two minutes and Minho, Ben and Thomas are not back yet!" Newt gasped. He was clearly out of breath, most likely from running here to inform me of the news.

I quickly dashed out of the building, ahead of Newt. I couldn't bear to think about what would happen if Minho, Ben or Thomas didn't make it out in time. I knew that they risked their lives everyday and that it might happen one day, but I chose to ignore that. My friends are the only things that keep me going in the Glade and if I lost them, I don't know what would happen to me. Approaching the doors, I could already see a crowd huddled around them, anxiously waiting the arrival of the runners.

I forced myself to shut my eyes for a moment and hope with everything in me that my friends would be okay. Quickly, disappearing as fast as it came, was a flash that fluttered across my vision. I saw Ben reaching the doors pulling the arm of a Griever along with him. My eyelids flew open as the vision ended. Instead of telling anyone about what I saw, I scanned the inside of the Maze for the area where I saw Ben in my "vision". And sure enough, the silhouette of a male figure running towards us formed. I shrieked in delight, turning head towards the direction of Ben. He ran into the Glade and collapsed on the ground safe. I breathed a sigh of relief as I saw the Gladers swarming around him. I focused my attention back on the doors in an effort to spot Thomas or Minho.

"Thirty seconds until the doors shut!" I heard someone exclaim.

"There!" Someone yelled and was pointing towards two figures running towards the Glade. They both were obviously hurt and tired and as much as I tried to deny it, in my heart, I knew they wouldn't make it.

As if I was was watching in slow motion, the doors began to creak and slowly shut. I was able to lock eyes with Minho while he screamed. I felt tears streaming down my cheeks as the doors shut, sealing their fate.


I woke up to light streaming through my shut eyelids. I felt horrible. As soon as the doors shut last night, I collapsed right where I was standing. Ben came over to me with tears forming in his eyes as he embraced me. Ben and I , along with Newt, stayed the entire night right next to the doors, pretending that Minho and Thomas would be leaned up against them, safe and sound.

Eventually, after hauling ourselves to breakfast in which all we did was push food around on our plates, everyone piled around the doors, waiting for them to open. Despite spending the whole night in this very spot, I didn't want to be here. I didn't want my hopes to be crushed when everyone sees the dead bodies of my two favorite people in the world lying on the ground, lifeless. I tried to do everything to mentally prepare myself for what I would most likely see, but I knew that I would never be truly ready for this moment.

Finally, fate decided to present itself with the opening of the doors. And the best thing that could ever happen to me occured. There, passed out next to the doors were Thomas and Minho.

Minho's eyes opened first and as soon as he realized where he was and what happened, he bolted upright and made eye contact with me.

"Minho!" I screamed as my love for the wonderful boy a few yards across from me blossoming. I ran towards him as fast as my legs could go before crashing into his large frame. He was obviously weak from his time in the Maze as we crashed down to the floor. Somehow, he fell on top of me, embracing me in his arms. He still smelt like home even after sweating in the Maze the entire night. Suddenly, the urge to kiss him melted over me in strong, heavy waves. But I knew that it would ruin the moment because he obviously didn't like me, so, instead, I spent my time soaking in his presence and being thankful that he was alive.


Two days. It's been two days since Thomas and Minho got trapped in the Maze. After all the excitement wore off, Ben revealed that he was late because he was able to see a Griever and retrieve it's arm. Minho and Ben have been studying it since dawn until dusk. Minho has barely been able to talk to me from studying the Griever arm to running in the Maze, he's rarely in the Maze. And when he is, he spends his time recounting stories from his night in the Maze. I'm still terrified of what might have happened to them, so I refuse to hear a single word about what happened that night.

During dinner that night, while Minho and Thomas were telling their stories, I left to wander around and become lost in my thoughts. I was so distracted, I didn't realize I was in the Runner's hut until I walked straight into the table. Smooth. When I looked around the room for the first time, my eyes landed on the Griever arm. Without thinking, I walked towards it. Captivated by its beauty, I reached out to touch it, however, as soon as it came in contact with my skin, I felt pain boiling up my arm. Finally, it dawned upon me that I shouldn't have touched it because even in death, Grievers sting. 

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