Sleep Is For The Weak (Part 1)

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Logan's POV:

The three others and I walked towards the reception of a beachside hotel.
"Today was... fun." I speculated, standing in line beside Virgil, who turned around to respond, brushing against my arm in the process, which sent goosebumps across my skin. He looked up at me through his bangs and chuckled lightly.
"It was." We shared a knowing smile, I think we were both getting used to the ridiculous antics that we got up to in this crowd. With Patton and Roman, no trip was going to be laid-back.

We eventually made it to the front of the queue, where a woman behind the desk with her black hair tied in an elegant bun looked at us all with uncertainty.
"I'm afraid I'm going to have to close this desk soon, there are only three rooms available." Patton's "dad" friend instincts kicked in, and he turned around and started to organise things.
"Well, me and my friends could take two, leaving one more for somebody else—" I looked behind me and noticed many distressed and disappointed expressions from the remainder of the queue, and also a rather panic-stricken Roman.

The woman spoke up again.
"I'm sorry, sir, but two of them are one-man rooms: they have only a singular bed." By this point, the disgruntled chatter from behind us had increased its volume by a significant amount. "If we could do more for you we would, but we're going to have to move you on now, we apologise for any inconvenience—" but Patton was clearly determined to try again.
"Sharing is not an issue, we'll book the three rooms, thank you very much." The woman rolled her eyes and handed over a set of key cards in exchange for credit card Patton had handed over. He retrieved the card and we regrouped in the lobby, where I noticed one of us still looked rather distressed about something.

"Are you alright, Roman?" I asked as gently as I could muster whilst still being able to be heard over the noise of the majority of the crowd leaving the hotel to go elsewhere. He didn't respond, other than with what seemed to be a slight shake of the head.
"Okay then, everybody," Patton enthused, "who wants to share?" He eyed each of us and seemed to make a decision of sorts within his mind. "Me and you, Ro?" Noticing the nervous man's increased discomfort at this, I interjected unthinkingly.
"I'll- share..." I trailed off and looked at Roman questioningly, who shook his head vigorously. "...with, uh, Virgil!" I offered, before realising what I had just volunteered to do.
"Oh!" Patton beamed at the two of us with an enthusiastic thumbs up before tossing me the keys to the double bedroom. Roman gave me a grateful smile before heading off with Patton to the elevator.

I turned to Virgil hesitantly, heart pounding in my chest, presumably from the shock of my own actions.
"I really am sorry, I should've checked with you beforehand, is this... okay?" He looked down at his feet briefly before sending me a small yet reassuring smile.
"It's chill. I really don't mind." Holding out one of the key cards, I attempted to return the grin.

The time figuratively flew by, and soon I was dressed in my Sherlock pyjamas and sat peacefully on the smaller of the two beds (Virgil had claimed the large one in the corner, of course,) reading the sequel to the book I had finished on the beach. I was hardly a chapter in, however, when I got distracted by the constant drilling noises from outside of Virgil's and my room. I furrowed my eyebrows and looked towards Virgil, who faced me as he frowned in annoyance. After a minute or two, it really started to bug me, so I reached towards my bag for my headphones to block it out. Rummaging through my satchel, I peered up once again at Virgil, sat peacefully and undisturbed with his small frame resting against the headboard. I think his eyelids were gently shut under the hair that rested gently over his upper face and I'm pretty sure his lips were curved up into a smile of contentment. As of that moment, his face was devoid of makeup. I noticed everything that he usually kept covered up, and admired it as much as before.

Darn, why was I staring at his face?

"Fuck." I cursed, looking back at my bag. His hazel eyes fluttered open and looked over at me with my bag questioningly. "I cannot seem to locate my headphones." Virgil bit his lower lip thoughtfully before tugging his right earplug out of his ear and holding it out towards me in offering. I pondered briefly, as it can be unhygienic to share those things with other people, but I heard one more noise from outside which swayed my decision. I brought my book to Virgil's side of the room, where I perched on the side of the bed and took the earplug gratefully. He was playing his playlist again, and although it was very unlike my usual taste, it really wasn't bad musically.

Virgil's POV:

It was quite enjoyable, actually, sat cosily beside Logan on the bed, scrolling through my phone and listening to my music with him as he peacefully read his book. I was beginning to become more comfortable around Logan, he had a certain calmness about him. A few hours had gone by, and neither of us had budged. Even the drilling had stopped. A song finished and I realised the playlist was done, so I closed Tumblr and Spotify before turning to Logan. I let out a small gasp when I noticed: he was propped up by a pillow, book open across his chest, mouth slightly open, even snoring a little. I giggled and decided not to wake him. Instead I folded the corner of his page and put the book aside before carefully moving his head on a pillow, covering him with the duvet, sliding his glasses from his face and placing them gently upon his book. I yawned and soon I, too, was asleep.

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