All Or Nothing

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Logan's POV:

"So? Have you got a plan?"

Patton was marching towards his hotel room, with an exhausted-looking Roman trudging along behind him. I wondered for a moment if he'd had a wink of sleep that previous night. He'd seemed alright that morning when he'd slammed a door on my face. When he laughed it usually made up for the build up of dark circles underneath his tired brown eyes.
"Of course, Logie. Why do you doubt it?" I shrugged. I really didn't have the energy to get into any sort of conversation at that moment. My hopes had never been high, exactly, for the trip, but even I was disappointed at the turnout so far. I was curious about what it was that Patton had planned.

We finally entered his room: Roman immediately perched on the end of the bed, I sat politely on a off-white wooden chair beside a white-painted desk in the corner of the hotel room. The cheeriest man of the group was already rummaging around his baby-blue suitcase for something.
"Hey, Roman? Do you have any snacks?" Not wanting to disappoint, Roman responded immediately by jumping up and heading straight for his own bag, which was situated by the door to the hotel room. His eyes quickly changed from eagerness to realisation before turning back to face Patton. "My apologies, I may have left the snacks with-"
"Did someone say snacks?" Virgil burst through the door, his timing impeccable as ever.

Patton rushed over to the shorter man and (after politely asking for permission) enveloped him in a welcoming hug.
"So, you decided to join us, Virge?" Virgil shrugged.
"Why not." With that, the four of us were soon sat in a circle, of sorts; Roman with a knee to his chin, his other leg outstretched and his back against the far end of the bed; Patton sat up on his knees enthusiastically and Virgil cross-legged between the others in the corner closest to the door. I remained in the chair beside Patton, declining the offer of crisps that were being passed around.

"Let's play a game!" I noticed how adjusted we all were to Patton's childlike attitude, and that not one of us were fazed by it.
"Never have I ever... uh... jumped off a cliff!" Roman grinned. Patton, Virgil and I exchanged glances, before raising five fingers and not putting any of them down. Funnily enough, none of us had ever jumped off a cliff. Somebody needed to go next, so we all looked around at each other, uninspired. I decided it would be best if we took turns that went around the circle clockwise, meaning that I would be the one to go next.

"Never have I ever been in love," I blurted unthinkingly, earning surprised expressions from everyone, myself included. Roman's thumb went down in an instant and he shrugged, as if it was obvious. After some thought and an visible gulp, Virgil's thumb did the same. I glanced over at Patton expectantly, only to see him remain almost completely still, grin and all. Roman seemed to chuckle knowingly.
"Pat?" Virgil piped up, confused. Patton was the most loving person I knew, so I was surprised, too.
"Shucks! Have I not told you guys yet? I'm aroace, actually. Do you know what that means?" The three of us nodded, contemplating. "I've never even liked anyone in that way. Aanyywaayy, enough about me—"

I was a little taken aback. I never would've suspected that my friend was also LGBT+, I always presumed I would mostly be friends with straight people. It felt weirdly... nice... to know that I wasn't alone. I zoned back into the scene when some Pringles were being passed around. I couldn't resist this time and gave in to the temptation, taking a small handful and balancing it on my knee.
"Never have I ever kissed another man," Patton stated, smiling contentedly all the while, "...obviously." he added quietly at the end.

Roman whined that it wasn't fair, and put his forefinger down to join his thumb. I raised my eyebrows even further than they were already raised.
"C'mon, you knew I was Pan." Wow, I thought to myself. Pansexual? I was shocked, to say the least.
"All or nothing." Virgil muttered, pointing to Roman then Patton. The latter then gasped, overjoyed.
"Was that a pun, Vir-" he cut himself off, noticing that Virgil had also put his forfinger to his palm. This time, I was surprised in a completely different way. Did Virgil also like men? When Patton pointed this out to him, his cheeks flushed a dark crimson.
"Yeah, I guess. I have kissed a man... a few, actually." It was at this point at which I realised the corners of my mouth were turned up quite a lot, and it took some effort to stop it from doing... that.

"Never have I ever had a dog." Virgil stated, going off track from the previous topic. My family never had pets as I'd grown up in a flat with my Mom who was pretty much broke. Patton nodded enthusiastically and put down his thumb whilst Roman sighed dramatically and pur down yet another finger.
"I feel targeted. Honestly, Logan, is there anything that you've ever done?" A blunt statement coming from him, I remembered back to high school and how when I was studying he was always at those drama kid rehearsals. He smirked as he finally came up with something that he could possibly stump me with. "Never have I ever stood up a friend at an event that was really important to them just to fit in extra studying." Patton and Virgil watched him, confused. The latter even added,
"That seems quite specific, Roman, I doubt-" I growled at the smug man as I realised what he was referring to.

One time, in high school, he'd invited me to one of his theatrical performances. It was Romeo and Juliet, in which he was Romeo. I remember he'd explicitly requested that Juilet be portrayed as a more acceptable age to be with Romeo in today's society, to which the school had agreed. From there, they had constructed what was apparently a rather incredible take on the classic Shakespearian play. He was extremely proud of himself.
"That was one time, Roman." However, when it came to the final performance... something came up. I may have even... forgotten...

The two onlookers looked over at me, eyebrows raised.
"You're a traitor, and you know it." He had always been the dramatic type. However, after knowing him for a number of years, I had learned how to get my revenge on him.
"Never have I ever almost broken a friend's nose by slamming a door onto their face." He was sighing before I'd even finished my turn. By this point Roman had only his pinky finger left standing.
"You did what, Ro?" Patton interjected before Roman could retaliate. He reluctantly explained the context behind the story to both Patton who seemed genuinely concerned and Virgil who was repressing laughter.
"-and no, his nose is fine." At this point, I heard Virgil snort, which somehow set off my laughter, too. Even Roman started to see the funny side, after grumbling something about my glasses.

"Never have I ever sung a Disney song at the top my lungs in the passenger seat of a car."
"Oh, come on!"

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