Vacation Get Away Part 5

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There you were, standing naked with only your hands to cover up your member as you saw the entirety of Team RWBY looking at you. All of them had blushes on their faces as Yang and Ruby turned from you to Weiss back to you.

Blake: Uuuuhhhhh-

Ruby: What is this?!

Yang: How many babies have you made?!

(Y/N): Weiss!

Weiss: Everyone! OUT!

Yang: No! I want answers!

Weiss: You barge into my unit and demand answers from me!

Yang: Well, yeah! You're the one with a secret boyfriend!

(Y/N): Enough! Look, let me get some pants on, then we'll talk. All of us.

Weiss: Exactly!

Weiss summoned a glyph and closed and locked the door with her friends behind it. slamming it onto their faces. She turned around to look at you with a stern face.

(Y/N): Ok, we had a good run. We should tell them.

Weiss: Then what? Yang tells the world. Suddenly, my father wants us broke apart and he'll-

(Y/N): Weiss! This is us we are talking about. And you know me, you know I wouldn't stop until I found you again. So...let's face this together. Like we always do.

You extended your hand to Weiss. While hesitating at first, she takes it. You give her a smile and she returns it. You gestured for the door and the two of you walked out. However, once you opened the door, Yang was standing right there with a camera in hand and took a picture instantly.

Yang: And there's the lovely couple.

(Y/N): Gosh, darn it, Yang!

Yang: What?

Ruby: So...what was this all about?

Weiss: Down in the living room. We'll explain it there.

The five of you did as Weiss suggested. While in the living room, Weiss explained the situation of your romantic relationship with one another in order to ease everyone into it. Of course, Ruby was still surprised as to why everyone kept the secret, or why you both had agreed to it?

Blake didn't really seem to care. She just shrugged it off as something you wanted to keep secret and thus respected the decision. She drew comparisons to when she revealed herself as a Faunus to the group and how well everyone supported her through her journey and still do to this day.

Yang was the worse of the group. She was flipping out for several reasons. First was that it was kinda a celebrity coupling with the heiress of the Schnee Dust Company dating a near pro huntsman that could easily take on a pack of Grimm within seconds. Secondly, which ticked Weiss off more than anything else, was Yang complaining that she didn't get to you before Weiss.

Finally, everything was done with the explanations. They had all accepted the knowledge in different ways, Blake being the only preferable option of all of that.

(Y/N): So, everyone calmed down?

Ruby: I still don't understand. Why keep this from us?

Weiss: We...we were scared. Scared of what you would think. Of what you would do with the information. There wasn't a clear cut way to tell you strait outta of the bat due to-

(Y/N): Due to Yang being a drama freak and has probably of her telling the entire CCT net about Weiss and I.

Everyone turned and faced Yang directly. She had her scroll up to her face with a cheeky smile on it. She then stopped once she saw everyone glaring at her, chiefly you and Weiss. She lowered her scroll and just shrugged.

Yang: What?

Weiss: Case and point.

Yang: Well, I'm sorry! It's not my fault that I think you two are adorable together.

(Y/N): Well, you see-wait, you think we're adorable?

Weiss: Focus! This is exactly what we are talking about! Yang, you don't care about our well being or safety!

Yang: What?! Of course I do!

Ruby: She does, Weiss!

Weiss: Then why are you posting our life on the net? Why do you always care about our love life? Why can't you just let us be together in peace?!

The entire room went silent. Everyone turn towards Yang who had a neutral look on her face. She sighed and stood up and walked over to you two. Weiss backed up into you and took your hand in with hers as Yang walked closer.

Yang: I......I can't...I'm sorry.

(Y/N): Yang, what are you talking about?

Yang: I...enjoy the attention.

Weiss: Well that's obvious!

Yang: Because everyone I had left me! My mother! My father! My uncle! You and (Y/N)! I don't-I don't.

Weiss: OK! (Yang looks up towards Weiss) Ok.

(Y/N): Hey, Weiss. Can we talk for a second?

Weiss turns and faces you. She nods and you both walk back upstairs. Once back inside the bedroom, you sigh and turn back to her.

(Y/N): So?

Weiss: So what?

(Y/N): Weiss?

Weiss: (Sighs) Yeah, I know. I want you and I to be together, but...she's my teammate. She's a practical sister to me.

(Y/N): I know. We both know she's going to talk. And we knew this day was coming. Let's just accept it and the consequences.

Weiss: But, us. I mean-

(Y/N): Weiss. She's family to you. Focus over family than a simple boyfriend.

Weiss: I...I know. Let me handle this. I'll do the best I can.

(Y/N): I know you will. So, let's do it, Princess.

Weiss rolled her eyes and smiled back at you. She leaned up and kissed your lips. You both returned down the living room, all three members of RWBY.

Weiss: We...have a spar room for you three upstairs. If you would like to spend the rest of the break here...all of you.

All three grew smiles. They were about to run up and give a hug to Weiss, but she stopped them all with her single hand.

Weiss: Ground rules! I'll explain them later, but now, you three are probably hungry.

(Y/N): I'll order a pizza.

The five of you went over rules and whats-not and caught up throughout the night. As the break went on, things got better. Of course, Yang did spill the beans about you and Weiss. Despite that, you both forgave her as you knew it was inevitable. Your team congratulated you for the victory of Weiss' heart. Jaune was a little upset, though he would be back during our first year and didn't date Pyrrha.

As for the Schnee family, well, Weiss' father didn't approve one bit. That of course didn't stop you both from dating and what not. The two of you didn't care what the world thought about you two, you both found love in one another, hidden or not. 

Weiss X Male Reader: Hidden LoveWhere stories live. Discover now