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Life turned out pretty well for (Y/N) and me. Of course Father didn't approve of our pairing, even making Whitely the new Heir to the company. Thankfully, through a great team of lawyers and other investors, my father learned that many would like a huntress as CEO. So, I was remade into the Heiress and took over the company once I graduated Beacon with (Y/N).

I began running the SDC like my grandfather, Nicholas while (Y/N) became my huntsman of a husband shortly after graduation. The wedding was quite the skeptical, that in Ruby nearly fell with her heels and almost landed smack on her face. Thankfully, a Haven transfer student saved her from the fall. Oscar was his name. They seem very happy with one another. Father of course tried to object the whole marriage, but Winter and the police did a great job of keeping him at bay. Currently, Father is forbidden from seeing the rest of the family.

(Y/N) and I kept different surnames so I could quote "Continue on the legacy of the Schnees". His words. I would have personally loved to be called Weiss (L/N). To which I did when it was just the two of us and our friends from Beacon.

Right now, another board meeting just concluded to end of our week. Was it necessary, no not really, was it enjoyable, never. But thankfully once the rest of the board cleared out and I was just sitting there, frustrated, a heard two voices that always brightened my day.

???: Mother?

Weiss: Sterling!

Just walking in was our son of 5 years, Sterling Schnee. Again, (Y/N)'s idea, not mine. Personally, I hated the fact he had Schnee as a last name. Regardless, he had white hair and (E/C) eyes. Little Sterling ran up to me as I got out of my seat. The two of us embraced one another and I pecked his forehead which he giggled too. His "Aunt Ruby" loves doing that to him.

Weiss: How did you get here? I thought I had Klein pick you up?

Sterling: Father got me!

Weiss: Did he now?

???: What? You think I'm going to let my kid inside your car. No way.

Standing in the doorway was (Y/N) himself. Obviously older looking, and now with a beard beginning to grow. I smiled at him and picked up Sterling and walked over to (Y/N). As soon as I got over to him, a smashed my lips onto his, engaging in a quick kiss. Of course, Sterling was grossed out, seeing his parents kiss one another, yet we didn't care. It was something we did whenever one would return from a mission out in the wild of Remnant.

After we got home to the Schnee Family Home, Klein took Sterling up to the little game room (Y/N) had made for him out of one of the bedrooms. I returned to my study (previously, my father's) and began working through today's meetings. As I was, the door was opened and (Y/N) walked up and set a tray of hot soup onto the desk.

(Y/N): You must be hungry?

Weiss: You should be too. Here, I'll start dinner soon.

(Y/N): Hey, I got it. You got business things to do. Besides, it gives me time to spend with Sterling.

Weiss: How about instead, we both spend some time with him.

(Y/N): Down for that.

The two of you walk out of the study and upstairs to the game room you got for Sterling. The two walk in and see Sterling playing with some toys while Klein is in a chair, watching him. Klein turns around and smiles at the two of you. He gets up and walks over.

Klein: Ah, Mrs. (L/N)!

(Y/N): Ah, actually, Klein it's-

Weiss: Thank you Klein. We'll take it from here.

Klein bowed his head and left the room. The two of you walked over to your son. Sterling turned and looked back at you and gave you both a rather large smile. Weiss kneeled down next to him and took Sterling into her lap. The boy let out a small laugh as did Weiss while you sat across from them.

The three of you sit down and just begin having fun as a family. During the play, a package from the mail arrived at their room. Well, two packages. Since Sterling's birthday was coming up soon, his aunt Winter sent her gift early, taking her off time to do so. Sterling's uncle Whitely always delivered by hand. You were surprised to see how caring Whitely actually was when his father wasn't around. Every time you saw Sterling and Whitely together, the uncle even let the nephew out of his sight. It was actually pretty charming.

Regardless, the play continued and was enjoyable for all. You, of course, mad an idiot of yourself trying to amuse your son and wife. Not that any minded of course. After a little playing around, the three of you have dinner and it was right to bed for Sterling.

Sterling: Mother?

Weiss: Yes, Sweetheart?

Sterling: Could-Could you tell me a story?

Weiss: Of course, Sterling. This one is called, The Knight and the Princess.

Weiss proceeded to tell the story as Sterling began to slowly drift to sleep second by second. Once the tale was over, Sterling was fast asleep. With that, she got up and left his bedroom towards her own she shared with you. Once she was inside, you were o the bed reading a book.

(Y/N): How'd he like it?

Weiss: Well, it put him to sleep, so I think he liked it.

(Y/N): Well, that's good.

Weiss crawled into bed next toy and laid down. You put the book down and wrapped your arms around her and brought her closer into the hug. Weiss snuggled up closer to you, getting close enough the you could feel her back on your chest.

Weiss: Hey, (Y/N).

(Y/N): Yeah?

Weiss: You ok with the family of three?

(Y/N): Yeah. Weiss...what's wrong?

Weiss grabbed your arms and moved them down to her stomach. You could feel her stomach curve and gasped realizing what it was. You assumed it was stress eating, but then you realized what it was.

Weiss: Family of three is going to be family of four soon.

(Y/N): Weiss...I love you.

Weiss: I love you too, (Y/N). 

Weiss X Male Reader: Hidden LoveNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ