Chapter Sixteen- The first time

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"Annora, are you okay? What happened?" Greg asks, grabbing onto my shoulders. I stare in front of me, where Blair had walked off to. Then I look up, tears welling in my eyes.

"Did I do something wrong?" I whisper, Greg sighs and shakes my head. He pulls me in for a hug.

"You did nothing wrong, Annora. He's an idiot, any person would be lucky to have you in their lives. If he is going to get salty just because you were... what did happen exactly?" He asks, not actually knowing.

"Cory said some stuff and then I totally freaked out and he obviously took it the wrong way and was like 'would it be so bad to date me?' it came out of the blue!" I exclaim, Greg drags me over to the kitchen, I watch Blair- the girls all over him as he just sits still on the couch drinking whatever is in the red cup of his.

"Nora... He obviously likes you! How can you not tell? He wouldn't have gotten so offended if he didn't like you," Greg pinches my arm and groans.

"Maybe because I dont want him to like me, I mean... Not yet," I look over at Blair again, only to see him staring at me. I gulp and I'm the first one to look away. "I don't know, can we just dance or find Mackenzie?" He nods in agreement, I see Kenz with Cory and walk over to them; Cory grimaces when he sees me.

"Nora... I'm sorry, I know you and Blair aren't on speaking terms right now because of me," Cory says. I shake my head and Mackenzie hugs me.

"How did you know already? It only happened about 5 minutes ago," I ask in confusion. Cory points to Blair whom looks very moody.

"Look at that face. Plus, he told me when I asked him what was up," Cory shrugs. I sigh, "he totally likes you. He denies it but I can so tell." I roll my eyes and Greg shoves me while wriggling his eyebrows. 

"I even told Annora that, she just won't listen," Greg shrugs, I slap him lightly and shake my head. Greg and Cory both smirk, I sigh and look at Blair again. "Go talk to him, we all know that you want to.Don't be scared," I give him a look and shake my head. How can i not be anxious?

"Why do I have to be the one to go and talk to him? I did nothing wrong, he was the one that took it all the wrong way and zoomed off," Kenzie rolls her eyes at me and grabs my wrist. "Wait, Kenzie what are you doing?" I panic as she starts dragging me over to him. I plant my feet into the ground, Greg grabs my other wrist and Cory pushes my back. "Guys, stop ganging up on me!"

They stop me in front of Blair, he looks up at all of us and sighs. The girl that is all snuggy next to him glares. "What?" He barks. "Can't you see that I'm busy?" I look down at my feet, feeling embarrassed; he doesn't want to talk to me.

"Don't be an ass Blair," Mackenzie spits at him.

"I'm not," Blair shrugs.

"You don't even know if she wouldn't date you, stop being so salty because you assume she doesn't like you," Cory says, triggering Blair. He stands up, fuming and grabs Cory by the collar. He doesn't seem affected, we all know Blair wouldn't hit him. "What are you gonna do? Hit me? Only because you can't admit your feelings because you are a p*ssy."

Blair's breathing is laboured, he slams Cory into the wall. "Blair stop!" Mackenzie shouts. "Annora stop him!"

"How can I stop him?!" I shout feeling just as stressed as Cory tackles him to the ground, Blair rolls him over and punches him. Mackenzie looks worried, so I step in for her. "Blair stop!" I shout, he doesn't. As Blair stands, preparing to punch him again. I step in front of him, before he can touch him. He looks at me, his eyes crazy and wild.

"Move out of the way Annora," he growls.

"No. Cory is your friend, stop being an asshole," he glares at me and looks behind my head where Cory is now standing with a bloody nose. 

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