Chapter # 1

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I am Allistria Cruz best friend of Cynthia, and a friend of Cole and his mother.

Currently I am in the Anderson's mansion comforting Cole, for me its hard to see him like this. Since I have witnessed what they have gone through, but... I for one know the reason why Cynthia broke up with Cole, but I will only tell him in the right time...

"Allistria! I just don't Understand! I've done nothing wrong right?". He asks while sobbing.

I just sat by his side and didn't utter a word knowing what truly happened...

"Everything was perfect... Am I missing something? Does she not feel contented with me anymore? Allistria what did I do wrong?". He asked pleadingly.

As if there was an answer he cried some more while I soothed him by patting his back.

Seeing him like this hurts, its like I can do something, I can say something yet I could not. I may not know the hurt that he is feeling right now but for sure its hard . Since their relationship lasted for more than 6 years.

"Where's your mother?". I asked finally speaking up, despite knowing the answer to my own question.

"Sh-she's in town". He answered breathing heavily from the amount of crying.

She is indeed in town...With Cynthia... I really want to tell you Cole, but I promised Cynthia not to tell you... Even your mother knows...

"Why isnt she with me ? When I need her the most...". He cried.

"Tell you what, wanna find a gift for Cynthia? I can help you, maybe when she receives it everything will be the way it was". I suggested.

There may be nothing he can do...but at least leaving his room for a change is good for him since he's been in his room for 4 days in a row.

And to my delight Cole nodded. We then headed to the mall, while going there I made sure that he would not be able to see his mother and Cynthia. Arriving to the mall Cole directly went to the Jewelry store knowing how Cynthia loves jewelry.

He chose a golden bracelet with a heart locket latched into it, it looked elegantly beautiful. It truly is indeed perfect for Cynthia, it matches her personality and everything about her.

Sometimes I get jealous of the two for being a perfect couple because I didn't really have a boyfriend not even once... Probably because of my very strict parents and the fact that I'm not really attractive, I've only managed to be close with attractive people because of money... mostly... But if Cynthia were here she would definitely disagree, She's my very first true friend after all and because of that I met Cole.

"You wanna have Coffee? My treat". He says as he payed for the bill and smiled at me.

But sadly it didn't reach his eyes.While drinking coffee I observed him, his bags became thicker because of the lack of sleep, his hair not at all fixed unlike before. His gaze was just out the window, looking afar lifelessly.

Every minute spent comforting him, is how my guilt grows knowing the truth , letting his curiosity grow and making his heart suffer.

My observing gaze was interrupted when he spoke...

"If things wont go back the way it was... This bracelet is yours". He says, doubt clearly plastered unto his face.

Indeed it wont... despite that I will still give this to her, she deserves it, even if there will be anger riling up her lover Cole , she still deserves it. Cynthia just does not want Cole to get hurt, but either way he will still get hurt. There's no chance against what's happening... I'm sorry Cole..

"No its her's". I corrected.

Because of that he became silent... interrupting his moment of silence...

*Ring* *Ring*

Cole picked up his phone, as his current calls became visible it hurts to see that he has called Cynthia for a hundred times already. Cole raised his phone to his ear.

"Yes who is this?". Cole asks.

"Its me sir, it appears something happened". The butler of the Anderson family said.

I tried not to listen but even if his call wasn't on speaker mode it was loud, loud enough even for me to hear.
Because there was nothing I could do, I listened to what the butler said but... What he said next surprised me the most...

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