Baby Caroline

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Jackie sits tapping her fingers on the arm of the couch and smoking a cigarette. A heavy
smoker as it is, in the final hours of the crisis Jackie had a cigarette between her fingers at all times. It was the only way to ease her anxiety.

She is watching Jack's televised address to the nation regarding the missiles. It had aired yesterday but Jackie couldn't help but watch the rerun.

Jack behind his presidential desk looked so powerful and in charge. It was what Jackie liked to see. It kept her sane. Deep down, Jackie knew Jack was just about withered down to his last shred of energy. This  image of control may have been fooling the nation, but each night, Jackie saw her deteriorating husband break a little more.

Times were tenser than ever. Today especially. At 4am George Bundy practically ripped Jack from Jackie's bed with grave news. Since then, a stand off between Khrushchev and the President of the United States was in hot pursuit. U.S. advisors were working hard to get the soviets to remove their weapons fast.

Jackie hadn't seen Jack all day. She had gone downstairs, standing in front of the cabinet room and his office, but she could sense the situation was too dire to interrupt. Bobby had phoned Jackie upstairs at around 8pm and told her that is was going to be a late night, but they were making progress. When Jackie went downstairs at 10pm she was told briefly told by advisors that a deal was being negotiated. Inside the cabinet room, she could hear her husband uttering, "One wrong move, and we're dead."

It was now 2:30 in the morning. Jackie continues to watch the live broadcast of Jack, smoking and biting her fingernails down to the nub (a nervous habit from childhood). Over the gentle hum of the television set, she hears tiny foot steps. Caroline stands groggily beside the tv.

"Baby," Jackie says, quickly putting out her cigarette. "What are you doing up? It's way past your bedtime."

"Mummy, I can't sleep."

"I'll come lay with you." Jackie says rising from the couch. She grabs her hand and leads her to her bedroom.

She helps Caroline crawl back beneath the covers before lying next to her. She wanted to be close to her children now more than ever.

"Can you tell a bedtime story?" Caroline asks snuggling into her mother's chest.

"I don't know, baby. I'm not as creative with stories as your father is."

"Why do you call me baby, mummy?"
Caroline asks. "I'm not a baby anymore. I'm four years old!" She holds up four little fingers.

"I know, but you'll always be a baby to me." Jackie kisses her head.

"Was I cute when I was a baby?" Caroline inquires with widened eyes.

"Very," Jackie smiles. "Chubby little cheeks and big blue eyes like your daddy."

Caroline giggles.

"You know," Jackie says reminiscing. "Your daddy loved you so much when you were born. I never saw him love anything that much. Ever."

She thinks back to her early marriage to Jack. The stillbirth of their first daughter, Arabella, had left their marriage rocky. At that point, Jackie was adamant that she wanted out. She thought Jack was completely cold and unloving, while he thought she was overly dramatic. She couldn't comprehend how she ever fell in love with a man as unfeeling as him. They had separated for a time, but a one-night slip up resulted in Jackie becoming pregnant with Caroline. At first, Jackie didn't even want the baby (a thought she can not fathom now). But after Caroline was born, something changed in Jack.

"I still remember" Jackie continues, holding her daughter tight. "When daddy handed you to me in the hospital. You were so tiny. And he was just so happy that I was able to give him the baby he always wanted."

Caroline's birth allowed Jack to open up, showing love and affection in ways he never could before. He began to appreciate his wife far more, and devote time to his family.

"Was I in your tummy like John was?" Caroline asks.

"Mhmm." Jackie nods.

"Well, how'd daddy put me there?" She questions, pointing to Jackie's stomach.

Jackie bites her lip. "Well, when a mommy and a daddy...and...they's time for you to go to sleep missy." Jackie quickly stutters.

Wow nice save, Jackie.

"Okay fine." Caroline mumbles repositioning herself under the covers.

Just then, Jack appears in the doorway. A smile stretches across his tired face as he looks at his two girls curled up in bed.

"Daddy!" Caroline squeals sitting up and stretching her arms out in front of her.

"What are you doing up, you crazy?" He softly chuckles. He makes his way over to her bed, letting his daughter rap her arms around him.

He then rubs his wife's exposed leg. "Hey you."

"Hi." Jackie whispers hugging her husband.

She then turns to Caroline. "Now off to sleep with you." She says pinching her nose. Caroline giggles before laying back down. Jack and Jackie both kiss their daughter goodnight before slipping out.

"I think I win the award for worlds worst dodge of the 'where do babies come from' question." Jackie exclaims as she shuts the door behind her. Her smile fades once she sees the way Jack is looking at her. "Oh god, what's wrong?"

"It's over." He says.


"Khrushchev agreed to remove the missiles. It's over."

She stands there stunned for what seemed like minutes. She promptly throws her arms around Jack so hard that he is pushed up against the wall.

"Easy there." He laughs.

"Oh Jack," Jackie says gazing at him with misty eyes. She strokes his cheek. "I knew you could do it."

"I couldn't have done any of this president stuff if it weren't for you, Jacqueline." He whispers wiping away her tears.

Jackie looks deep into his eyes before tears start to role down her cheeks. He kisses his wife's forehead before bringing her into a gentle embrace, whispering soothing words into her hair.

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