Rough Mornings

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Jackie attempted to shove a baby spoon of mashed peas in a lock-jawed John jr. Being the dutiful daughter that she was, Jackie was simoatainisly answering her mothers prying questions through the phone. The phone was wedged between her ear and shoulder and the cord was stretched halfway across the eating area.

"Yes mother........I'm fine mother.........the kids are great.....Jacks I don't know where he exactly is, mother. He went to some meeting but he's due back I don't regret marrying him.......I know I should rest mother..."

The conversation between mother and daughter went on and Jackie became increasingly irritated, per usual. The pattern was always the same: Janet giving meaningless mothering/marriage advice and asking intrusive questions, while Jackie replied with fake yet satisfactory answers.

"Hold on mother," Jackie huffed. She turned her attention to the red-faced toddler. "Baby, please eat your lunch." Jackie pleaded. She waved the spoonful of peas in front of him but he was not having it. His tiny fists angrily gripped the side of his high chair tray. He was on the verge of a full on tantrum.

"He's not being a good boy like me, mummy." Caroline remarked. She was sitting at the table behind Jackie. "See look!" She obediently put a spoonful of Mac and cheese in her mouth to show her mother.

"Good job sweetie." Jackie smiled while still trying to pry the toddlers mouth open.

During this time, Janet (Jackie's mother) still rambled on through the phone. "Jaqueline, darling, the women down at the country club told me about this new carb diet and I think you could really benefit-"

"Mother I have to go" Jackie cut her off. She tossed the phone down on the table and wiped her brow.

"C'mon, baby." Jackie whined to the stubborn little man. "I know you're going to cry, but mummy will too if you don't eat your lunch." The toddler still managed to dodge the spoon coming toward his face.

"Daddy!" Caroline hollered. Jack appeared in the doorway and within seconds his daughter was hugging his leg.

"Hey there buttons," Jack said rustling Caroline's blond locks. She quickly raced back to her chair to continue digging into her lunch.

"You're early." Jackie stated with a smile creeping across her face.

"Yeah, the meeting was-"

Jack stopped mid sentence as Jackie's arms wrapped around his shoulders. She put her face in the crook of his neck and inhaled his scent. All the prior stress she felt seemed to melt. He finally realized what was happening and placed his hands his wife's hips.

"Rough morning?" Jack questioned with a grin.

"How'd you know?" She whispered against his neck.

"Well for one thing, your hair." Jack chuckled. Jackie's usual primped hair was in wild burnet curls. She broke from his embrace and smacked his shoulder. Jack should know better then to poke at Jackie's hair, of all things.

"And the phone strewn on the table was another give away."

"Well the wicked witch from Newport called to enlighten me. Actually, enlighten is the wrong word, criticize my every move is more like it." Jackie grumbled referring to her mother. "That didn't exactly sweeten my morning. I swear, between your mother and mine, I'm not gonna have of this hair left."

Jack snickered.

"Is my anguish amusing you?" Jackie squinted.

Before he could answer, a piercing wail bounced off the walls. John had finally burst.

"Great." Jackie muttered. She unclipped the screaming child from his high chair and picked him up. "Shhh shhh it's okay."

"I take it he didn't have a good morning either." Jack said as he came over to the two of them. He grabbed John's chubby foot and smiled at the boy. John began to ease, and he flashed his two small teeth at his father.

"You'll be all happy for your daddy but cranky for me?" Jackie shook her head at the little boy in her arms. She sat down next to Caroline with John in her lap and began shoveling baby food in his mouth, which he now happily accepted.

"I was good for mommy all morning, daddy!" Caroline proudly exclaimed.

"Good girl. Now buttons, as the older sister, you got to keep him in line." Jack pointed at the tear-stained toddler in Jackie's lap and winked. Caroline nodded with a responsible look on her face. She took her job as The Big Sister very seriously.

"What's the First Lady wearing for tonight?" Jack asks turning to Jackie. Jackie furrowed her eyebrows at her husband. "The state dinner?" He grins leaning on the table.

"Oh my god. I completely forgot it was Saturday. This day just keeps throwing stuff at me." Jackie combs a hand through her hair and shakes her head.

"Well, I'll be back in the evening. Gotta head down to the office to get some things done. You better be ready to go." He teases. He ruffles Johns hair as he babbles in his mother's lap.

"Alright, bye bunny." Jackie says. Jack can't help but gaze at his wife and beams. It had been awhile since she'd called him that.

"Bye daddy!" Caroline squeals with Mac and cheese smeared around her mouth.

"Bye buttons," Jack smiles and leaves.

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