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A few days later, Briana has forced me to ask Danielle out today.

She threatened to tell Danielle that I was too afraid to ask her out and she said she was going to tell her that I sent her to ask her out.

So, you know what I am going to do?

I am going to ask her out.

I go to the store and I buy flowers and some peanut M and M's.

Danielle loves M and M's.

I make my way home and Danielle is feeding Cameron.

I see Lonzo in the kitchen and I walk over to him.

"Are you actually gonna do it today?" Lonzo asked.

I nod my head. "Yeah, it's not going to be as big as last time, but yes!"


"Give me like thirty minutes!"

"That's a long time!" Lonzo says.

I open the pack of M and M's and I put them inside of a Pokemon.

I open the pack of M and M's and I put them inside of a Pokemon

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(Let's pretend the puzzle pieces are M and M's)

I close the ball and I put it behind my back.

Everyone gathers into the living room and Danielle looks around at everyone.

"What are you guys doing? I feel like somethings going on!" Danielle says.

No one answers.

I walk over to Danielle and I grab her hand.

She looks at me and I smile at her.

"Danielle," I say. I show her the Pokemon ball and she smiles.

"I choose you to be my girlfriend! Will you accept me?"

Danielle smiles and she nods her head yes.

"Yeah, I would love to date you...again!" Danielle hugs me and I hug her back.

"Kiss her, kiss her, kiss her!" Everyone chants.

I laugh and I feel my cheeks start to heat up.

Danielle's attention is turned towards everyone and she smiles.

"You guys st-" I begin to say.

In one quick motion Danielle puts and arm around me pulling me closer to her.

She puts a hand on my cheek and she pulls me down for a kiss.

I am shocked at first but then I kiss her back.

I am shocked at first but then I kiss her back

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"Oh yeah!" Lonzo says.

"Finally!" Briana claps.


Once I kiss Kyle we continue to kiss for a while.

Kyle seems like he has been waiting to kiss me for a long time!

We finally pull away and I smile at Kyle.

He is blushing insanely and that makes me giggle.

"I've been wanting to do that since the day you woke up!" Kyle says.


Catfish 3 | Kyle KuzmaWhere stories live. Discover now