Chapter 1

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August, 2016.

Melissa and Blake got married in 2015. They celebrated their 1 year anniversary in March. They were a normal married couple. They lived in San Diego with their three dogs: Farley, Milli, and Otis. They always had fun around each other, and they were really grateful to have each other in their lives.

The fun started fading, when Melissa was cast as Supergirl and Blake started acting weird around her. He said he was acting weird because she had to leave for a couple of months to film the first season in Los Angeles and he said they didn't have enough time to be together. Part of that, was true. But Melissa knew something else was up, and she desperately wanted to find out.

One day, Blake's weirdness started to disappear and Melissa couldn't be happier. But then, when she told Blake she had to go to Vancouver to film the second season of the show, instead of being happy for his wife, he started acting weird again. He was being distant - cold. This wasn't the man Melissa fell in love with. He was acting like a total stranger to her. And she didn't like that.
The day before she went to Vancouver, she got the idea that maybe they could go to walk their dogs, so that way things could be normal again between them. She really hoped that would happen, because Blake was supposed to go with her to Vancouver and she didn't want things to be weird there, because it could affect her job. Even though she knew how to keep things professional, she knew problems in her love life could bring problems in her job, and in her daily life.

Melissa was looking for the leashes to walk the dogs, and she honestly didn't remember where they kept the leashes. She started opening drawers, and searching for them until some papers fell to the floor magically from one of the drawers. She knew the papers were important because she saw Blake's name and signature on the papers. She instantly thought it was payment papers, so she walked to where her bag was and she put the papers in there.

"Hey there." Said Blake, as he walked down the wooden stairs.

"Hey! Do you know where the leashes are?" She said, with a smile on her face. He smiled back at her. That moment she saw something in his eyes. Something that she had never seen on him. Guilt.

"Yeah." He said, walking to the only drawer that Melissa hadn't opened. He opened it and got the leashes out.

"Here." He said, handing her the leashes. "Thanks." She said, looking down to the floor with a smile on her face.

She leashed the dogs and gave Milli and Otis to Blake. They walked out of the house and started walking to the right.

"Good girl, Farley!" She said, trying to encourage her dog. She always loved to see dogs swing their tail as a sign of happiness. Their happiness made her happy.

"Hey babe, are you okay?" Mel said, worried about her husband. "Yeah. Why wouldn't I be?" He said, with a cold tone. "I don't know. You don't seem okay." She said, trying to hold his hand. In the moment her hand touched his, he got really tense and broke contact. "I am." He said, clenching his teeth. She saw how his jaw clenched in slow motion.

"Why are you so rude to me? I'm just worried about you." She said, her face turning into an angry expression slowly. She hated being treated like trash. And in that moment the person she loved the most, was treating her like trash.

"All I ever do is treat you nicely, and all you do is treat me like garbage. Why is that?" Said Melissa. "Look. I'm not in the mood right now." He said, annoyingly. "Yeah I can see that. Whatever." She said, as she started running really fast, just to get away from him. She was getting really tired of that behavior.

The faster she ran, the more Farley got excited. From one second to another, Melissa lost control, and she accidentally dropped the leash. Farley went running like crazy and Melissa started chasing her.

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