Chapter 3: A Hero's Battle/ Recovery part 3

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"Oh my gosh Gohan!, are you okay?" Bulma asked once she saw the puddle of blood on the ground.

Fainting from the loss of blood, it was pitch black. I could see my own flesh and blood be slaughter under the hands of frieza.

"Bardock. do you even remember when you son was born" the woman with short black hair with a pink and brown saiyan amor said.

"Yeah, it was a long time ago" said the young black haired saiyan, named Bardock

"Aha, nice try bardock but it was yesterday" said Fasha the young lady in pink interrupted.

Sitting up, the saiyan Bardock spitted out the tooth pick he was chewing on out his mouth

Wow, dad really resembles that guy.

"Kakarot huh?" Bardock said looking at the little boys ikebaiter.

That's dad's father! Wow, dad really looks like him.

It was dark another image of my dad's father appeared, he was all beaten up. His amor was broken, blood covered his face.

A saiyan baby ship had passed Bardock on his way to the planet.

Flying into the sky, soldiers began to attack him, dodging and fighting back, he began yell for frieza.

"FRIEZA, COME OUT YOU COWARD!" Soldiers quickly piled him, releasing an energy blast, they flew off.

It's frieza, oh gosh.

"Frieza we quit, all of us, each and everyone of us, we're all tried of being your slave GOT IT!."

Frieza slowly began to make the death ball with his index finger while Bardock was lecturing him.

No, not that.

Bardock had formed an energy ball in his hand, throwing it at Frieza, Frieza's ball grew bigger sucking in Bardock's blast like it was nothing. Frieza began to laugh as he killed and destroyed the pink planet along with the saiyans.

Waking up, I couldn't feel the pain in my ribs. Looking to my side, Bulma and the other's were sleeping in the chair's they had brought into my room next to my bed. Trunks had woken up.


"Yeah?" I replied back.

"Are you okay now?" Chibi Trunks asked looking at me.


It was mid-evening, Bulma had also woken up, Grabbing her purse, she and Trunks headed home. Mother on the other hand, still remained on the side of my bed.

Two Months Later

Two month's later, my ribs had healed, I was back to training. Master Roshi comes over every now and then to help me gain my power back.

"You know Gohan, you're very strong. Back in the older days your father wasn't half as strong as you are today at this age, he was strong for his age back then" the bald headed elderly man with a beard said known as Master Roshi.

Dad? No way, that can't be right, i've always thought of dad as a powerful person even as a kid. But to know i'm a lot stronger then he was as a kid, I feel a little proud of myself.

"So as you can see, your father was sent here from a planet called Planet Vegeta. As a baby he was very routy, he would dislike human things. As a saiyan his mission was to destroy earth. Unforturnately, when your father was a baby, he and grandpa Gohan was out for a walk when Goku fell out his pouch and had fallen on his head. After the injury your father was pure hearted, his saiyan characteristics of the brutality had vanished. After that day he has been keeping everyone safe. He's always been fighting even though it can mean death, he would die for this planet just to protect it, he gives his life for other's. He is the earths aly to good. A warrior no one can over come" said Master Roshi as he told me the story of my fathers life.

A Change In History (A Future Gohan Love Story!) (STORY ON HOLD)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora