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"Ryan Ross, will you be my boyfriend?"

Ryan smiled a smile larger than Mount Everest. He hugged his friend, now boyfriend. "I thought you'd never ask," he beamed.


"Ryan Ross, will you go to prom with me?"

Ryan fake-gasped at his boyfriend who was holding a poster asking him to prom. He nodded his head frantically and covered his mouth, then suddenly dropped the act. "Of course I will, dork," he smiled, kissing Brendon's forehead.


"George Ryan Ross III, will you make me the luckiest man in the world?"

Ryan gasped, and covered a humongous smile with his hands. Tears were brimming in his eyes, and this was by-far his favorite day. "Yes!" he sqeaked out, Brendon slipping the silver band on his, now fiancé's, finger. Ryan brought Brendon's face to his, kissing him like there was no tomorrow.


The two had been through a lot together; their first kiss, Brendon getting kicked out and moving in with Spencer, Ryan getting kicked out and moving in with Spencer, their first jobs, and not to mention their first times.

The two boys had started dating at the end of their seventh grade year, and their love had gotten stronger towards each other since day one.

Ryan was now teaching an English course in high school, and Brendon was the owner of a music store. They had two dogs, Penny Lane and Dottie, and they settled down in Seattle.

Brendon's eyes still had an effect on Ryan, they were still able to pull Ryan's thoughts away from what they were supposed to be thinking about.


A/N: This was really rushed and bad. I didn't see that there was any way to carry the story onwards, so I just decided to end it. I've been keeping y'all waiting for too long. (It feels good to get this story off of my back tbh.)

I've also been working on other stories!

hidden hearts

● One that I'm currently writing, doing research for and trying to plan out well.

Now I'll stop the self promo haha.

Catch you on the flippity flop, my dudes.

Young and Confused ☆ Ryden {COMPLETED}Where stories live. Discover now