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Ryan stared at himself in his mirror, trying to push his hair around the right way. It was pretty much useless, like eating spaghetti with a spoon. It was just a mop of loose, brown curls sitting on the top of his head. He eventually gave up, sighing. He was trying to impress Brendon, which is also like eating spaghetti with a spoon. He had a girlfriend, and he didn't know if Brendon was even attracted to guys.

Ryan walked out of the bathroom and to his room to retrieve money he had taken from his father's wallet when he was passed out. He grabbed his phone as well, texting Spencer he was on his way over. He left his house, walking across the grass between his and Spencer's house. He reached their front door and knocked, seconds later it was opened by Spencer. Ryan stepped inside and watched Spencer's mom enter the room they were in.

"Are you boys ready to go?" she asked them, grabbing a jacket.

"Yep," Spencer replied for them.


Trigger Warning: Homophobia

"Brendon? What's wrong?" Ryan shouted over the music. He walked over to his friend who had his face in his hands and was slumped over on the bleachers. He sat down next to the boy, and he carefully wrapped an arm around Brendon's shoulder. Brendon simply pushed it off, looking at Ryan with a tear-stained face and red eyes.

"S-Sarah, she-she b-broke up wi-ith m-me!" Brendon wailed over the blaring pop song now playing through the speakers.

"Brendon, take a deep breath! It's going to be okay," Ryan comforts Brendon. "Let's step out into the hall, it's loud and stuffy in here." Ryan stood up, grabbing Brendon's wrists and dragging him outside the gym. "So, what happened?"

Brendon took a few breaths and tried to speak, but Ryan couldn't understand a word he was saying.

"Bren, calm down." Ryan looked into his crush's eyes as he placed his hands on his shoulders to steady the younger boy.

Brendon took a few more breaths, and when a new song started playing, he started speaking again. "To start, sh-she cheated on me. I left for the b-bathroom a while ago and I came b-back to her kissing some g-guy behind the bleachers. Th-then to top it all off, sh-she said it was for the b-best because she 'knows I'm gay' or s-something like that." Ryan searched Brendon's tear-filled eyes, waiting for him to come out to Ryan. "B-but Ryan, I'm not gay! Being gay i-i-is a sin, a-and it's wrong, and all gays will burn in Hell!" At this point, Brendon has pushed Ryan's arms off of his shoulders. Ryan looked into Brendon's eyes hoping, praying that he was just joshing. The hope died when he could see a faint, burning hatred in his friend's eyes.

Ryan scoffed, crossing his arms. "You really believe that shit? You seriously believe in the bullshit your religion is 'teaching' you? Ridiculous."

"What's with you all of a sudden, backing up gays?" Brendon spits.

"You're so oblivious aren't you? Everyone knows but you, hilarious! I thought I was so obvious, but let me spell it out for you! How does that sound? Good? Great! I like you, Brendon! More than a friend! But if you think I'm a terrible human being, then go! Leave me behind! I don't want to have a homophobic friend! You're just a stupid, naive little kid who believes everything shoved down your throat! If I knew this before, I wouldn't have continued to like you, or even be your friend for that matter!" Ryan is absolutely livid, and he can sense the steam pouring out of his ears. Brendon is staring at him with a shocked expression, but after a moment, he turns on his heel in silence.

He walks away.

The only thing Ryan can hear is not the shitty pop music, but rather the beating of his heart and Frank's encouraging words that he wants to throw back in the older boy's face. Sarah and Brendon aren't going to last that long.


A/N: Happy (a tiny bit late) birthday, Dallon Weekes!

Oh man, I threw in another problem in the story because I don't want to end the story now.

~I'm casually waiting for things to crash and burn for no apparent reason~

Young and Confused ☆ Ryden {COMPLETED}Where stories live. Discover now