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Ryan, Spencer, and Brendon were all eating lunch on the Wednesday after Ryan came out to Spencer when Brendon asks, "Are you guys going anything Friday? My parents are making go to all of the football games to support my brother or whatever. Sports aren't really my thing, so I'll just end up being bored the whole time."

Well, why don't you bring your girlfriend, is what he would have said if he was a total douche. He opts with, "I'm not doing anything," instead.

"I've got to go to this stupid thing with my parents, so no. Sorry," Spencer replies, glancing at Ryan. Ryan glares back in response, rubbing the bruise he received last night on his cheekbone. He looks back at Brendon, who currently has an oblivious look on his face.

"So do you want us to pick you up, or will you just come to my house and we'll drive you from there?" Brendon asks.

"I'll go over to your house," he replies quickly. Ryan isn't a total sports idiot, he knows football games start in the evening, after his dad gets home. He also knows that when they end, his dad is almost always passed out. "You can drop me off at my house afterward, though."

"Gotcha. Text me your address just in case you change your mind?"



Trigger Warning: Homophobic slurs and abuse

Ryan was walking to Brendon's now, he texted him around five minutes ago he'd be at his house in thirty minutes. He probably should have ridden his bike, but he thought it would be too much of a hassle.

He's halfway to Brendon's house when he really wishes he rode his bike.

"Hey, fag boy!" he hears someone yell, and he freezes on the spot while flinching. He hears snickers around the boy's comment as well. "Are you too much of a pussy to turn around?" Ryan reluctantly and slowly turns on his heel to face the boy who is calling him names. It's none other than the famous, but not so famous, Frank Iero and his gang, Gerard and Mikey Way, and Ray Toro.

"W- What do you want?" Ryan says as strongly as he can, trying to swallow his nerves creeping up his spine.

Frank's little posse is one that no one wants to mess with. They find things out faster than you can say, "Tyrannosaurus rex." They can, and will, without hesitation beat the living shit out of some innocent kid. No one really knows how or why they pick their targets, they just do.

"Maybe we want to beat the fag out of you," he smirks venomously. Ryan can't help but notice the boy with red, long hair, he assumes Gerard, is somewhat uncomfortable with Frank saying these things, but he doesn't speak up. No one wants to say anything to Frank. It's like poking a bear, honestly.

Frank steps closer to Ryan, giving him a hard shove. He lands on his ass, and his hands aided in breaking the fall a bit, but now they hurt like hell. Frank extends his leg out, hard and fast, to connect with Ryan's side, knocking him over in a vulnerable position. "Any words before we continue?"

Ryan pushes himself up a bit. "Yeah, actually," he starts. "I find it so interesting, that we live in the year 2018 and people still think being gay is wrong. Honestly, I'd hate to have shitty parents like yours who brainwashes their child into thinking that beating someone for who they are is okay." Ryan already has a shitty parent who is just like the ones he is describing, but it somehow doesn't phase him. At the end of his speech, he glances at Gerard, who is standing behind the rest of the group. He sees Gerard's faint smile, he obviously listened to the boy's words of wisdom.

However, Ryan's moment to bask in the glory doesn't last that long. Soon after, Ryan is knocked to his side again, getting a few more kicks to his chest and back. "Ray, don't you think people should stop talking to me before they start? You know, after the lunch incident?" 

Ray hums in response. Ryan notices that all of them, besides Frank, seem very uncomfortable. Either it was what he said, or Frank just always scares the living shit out of them so they follow suit. Frank notices his clique is like this, so he speaks up.

"You're lucky I'm going to spare you, faggot. But let me tell you something," he squats so he is level with Ryan's  face and whispers in his ear, "Sarah and Brendon aren't going to last that long." He stands back up and orders for his group to walk away, leaving Ryan on the ground.

He just furrows his eyebrows. Is he really that obvious? And why did Frank stop hurting him? He doesn't care, his body is aching, so he calls Brendon.

"Drive to my house. I'm laying on the sidewalk on the way there. Please come get me," he says calmly into the phone.

"What?" Brendon asks, stunned.

"Frank and his gang. I'll explain later, but please come and pick me up."

"Uh, o- okay, we'll get you in a few. Bye."

"Bye." Ryan hangs up and continues to lay on the ground with the words repeating in his head. Sarah and Brendon aren't going to last that long.


A/N: That last part was probably very confusing I'm sorry. I was going to make it way more extreme then I decided on whatever that was.

We are going to take a moment to appreciate the Patrick Stump gif I made in my digital art class. (Happy birthday, Patrick.)

If any of you are into The Maze Runner check out my friend's oneshots/imagines @emmagrace523

Song Suggestions:

Destroya ● My Chemical Romance

Fame < Infamy Fall Out Boy

Bang The Doldrums Fall Out Boy

UGH! The 1975

(Double suggestions because I didn't do any last chapter.)

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