"angel magic."

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nova's eyes fluttered open and closed upon hearing some whispering deep voices. her head was swimmy and she felt incredibly dizzy on top of having an upset stomach. she felt like she could throw up at any second, so she didn't dare move.

"she's pretty smokin', cas. how did you manage to land this one?"

nova noticed this voice was dean. she furrowed her brow; she was agitated that this man she had never met before was making comments on her physique while she lay there possibly dying.

"she dialed me with her butt, remember?"

then, castiel's voice emanated nearby. nova felt queasy again and moved her hands down to clutch her stomach. she moaned out in pain and the talking ceased. she heard the clamber of feet getting closer, but nova fell back into a deep sleep before she could see who it was.


nova woke to the sound of Led Zeppelin's "Immigration Song" playing in the background.  she shot up quickly, gripping her head and stomach once again. her head was pounding and her stomach was still queasy. she somehow managed to jumble to her feet, continuing to feel dizzy the longer she stood up.

"nova! you're awake!" castiel gleamed excitedly, rushing to her side.

"yeah, and i'm not feeling the best." nova felt like an eighteen wheeler had hit her and had continuously ran over her.

"here, let me help."

castiel placed his hand on nova's head and she felt a wave of immediate relief. it felt like she'd just woken up from a very restful sleep.

"all better?"

nova furrowed her brow, amazed that castiel had made her feel better with just the touch of his hand. "yeah, what did you do?"

castiel smiled. "angel magic."

a/n: so i started working on this chapter for you guys today, but my boyfriend broke up with me this morning and i feel like the world has collapsed in on me and i can't breathe. sorry this isn't longer or that good, but i still wanted to get something out. thanks for the support.

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