"...duty is calling me."

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nova's mouth hung open as question after question flipped through her brain. angel of the Lord, he'd said. there was no way she could believe that. i mean, nova was a believer, but she thought she'd never come into contact with one of God's angels.

"e-excuse me? i don't think i heard you correctly." 

nova felt like her mouth was moving faster than her brain could think. there was some shouting in the background, followed by a long pause.

"i'm castiel, and i am an angel of the Lord."

the man nova now knew as castiel had become someone completely and entirely different. a part of her wanted to believe him, but another didn't want to fall into a trap. what if this was just some guy trying to prank her? nova had been known for being quite gullible. 


this was all nova could squeak out. she felt like she couldn't breathe.

another loud bang sounded in the distance.

"i apologize, supernova, but duty is calling me." a short pause. "dean says that's a figure of speech, duty is not actually calling my cellular device."

nova didn't even giggle at his naive ignorance this time. she was sure people were staring at her now.

"i'll speak to you soon."

the dial tone sounded, but nova couldn't even bring herself to slide her phone back into her pocket.

unknown caller; castielHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin