living with a weirdo

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Over the past two months aneeqah has been focusing hard on becoming tough. Waking up extra early so she could spend more time with umr...I of course, and because she comes so early, umr had given her the key to his dojo because quite frankly, he was too lazy to get up and open for her.

On the bright side Aneeqah got to stare at his 'beautiful face' as she may put it, for a few minutes as he slept, like the creep she is.

"I should probably stop. "
she whispered to herself almost drooling at the sight of his sleeping form.

" If only I could stop being a wimp and tell the dobe I like his stupid face." she thought as she blushed.

"I should probably stop calling him that..but his my idiot just you wait and see." she said to the voice in her head, whispering the last part with an evil grin plastered on her face.

She pulled out her phone just about to take picture when she tripped making a huge noise.

"Shit shit shit." she said crawling out of his room and ran down the staircase, she was out of breath once she made it to the lounge pulling herself together.
Umr's pov

A month after I started training Aneeqah, I basically gave her permission to enter my house anytime as she pleases by giving her the extra key I had, not only was it because I was too lazy to get up in the morning, but I trusted her for some reason...I guess its just one of those feelings.

Having her around makes my day I guess, and it's freaking weird because I only just met the girl ..well who'd of thought this.

I guess love at first sight really does exist, the hell?...did I just say LOVE!?...I must be going nuts?...I mean..she's beautiful who wouldn't fall in love with such captivating eyes Arrgg this is so damn frustrating!...I should tell her..why can't I just man the hell up and tell her?

Oh right, cause I'm a wimp..but I'm her wimp.. oh Jesus now I'm putting a labels to something that's only in my head!

What if she doesn't feel the same? BRAIN SHUT UP I'M TRYING TO SLEEP I screamed internally and that people, is what I've been doing most nights, fighting with myself, it's stupid I know, don't remind me.

How Aneeqah and Umr met Where stories live. Discover now