I'm Sorry

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Lucifer sat in his classroom trying to listen to the teacher, but he only found himself worrying about his younger brother. Castiel hadn't freaked out like he had yesterday in the longest time. Both Lucifer and his family thought it would all be over. Lucifer could only hope that Castiel wouldn't harm himself again.

Lucifer hadn't been able to pay attention to his afternoon classes yesterday due to being worried about Castiel.

He was so deep in thought that he hadn't noticed that class had ended until a boy with black hair came up to him. "You gonna sit there all day or go to your next class?" The boy asked.

Lucifer looked up at the boy, he could've sworn that he remembered seeing him sit down at his lunch table yesterday.

"I'm Michael by the way." The boy said holding out a hand for Lucifer to shake.


The boy named Michael looked at Lucifer with a shocked expression as is trying to tell whether Lucifer was lying to him or not.

"Yes, I know. My name is seriously Lucifer, I'm not messing with you." Lucifer rolled his eyes.

Michael slowly nodded with a small smile on his face and gestured for Lucifer to stand up. It just so happens that both boys had the same class next hour. As the boys walked towards their next class they made small talk.

It seemed as if the two would become very good friends.


Castiel made his way to his first class of the day. He was really hoping that Dean wouldn't try to talk to him today. Castiel was still not quite sure why Dean made him freak out the way he did, he hadn't freaked out like that in such a long time, so why now?

He walked through the door and towards his desk with his head down, trying not to be noticed, but of course someone just had to be waiting for him to walk in.

Dean started to walk purposefully towards Castiel, but just when he was about to tap Castiel on the shoulder their teacher walked in.

Castiel could feel himself being watched during class, but tried to ignore the feeling he got in his stomach. The class seemed to go on for forever for both boys, and when it was over both boys let out a small sigh of relief. Dean tried to get up and talk to Castiel, but as soon as the class was over Castiel ran out of the classroom. Dean, who wasn't expecting Castiel to leave that fast tried to catch up, but lost sight of the blue eyed boy.


Gabriel was late to his first class, as usual. He came bursting in through the door. The whole class looked up at him except for the one boy Gabriel actually wanted attention from. The teacher only gave him an annoyed look as Gabriel made his way to his seat beside Sam, the teacher would've said something, but he knew what Gabriel was capable of so he said nothing.

Gabriel tried effortlessly to get Sam's attention during the class, but Sam just ignored him. Gabriel got a bit aggravated by this, but he did not give up. He just stared at Sam throughout the whole lesson.

Once the teacher finally ended his lesson there was still five minutes of class left. Sam immediately picked up a book and started reading, still trying to ignore the boy who wanted his attention so much.

Gabriel continued to annoy Sam until class was over. Although, at that point Sam had had enough.

Sam towered over Gabriel as Gabriel shrunk back. "Just stop. Stop trying to be my friend because I don't want to be friends, and there is no way that I would ever want a person like you as a friend." After that Sam walked swiftly out of the room.


Meanwhile Sam was talking with the group at lunch when Charlie called someone over. Sam looked up and to his surprise, it was Gabriel.

Gabriel walked over to the table and plopped down next to Charlie, not even noticing Sam. "Hey bi-Gabriel what's wrong?" Charlie asked her expression suddenly turning very serious. Gabriel just stared down at the table with a sad look in his eyes.

"Nothing." He muttered. Sam began to feel guilty as the words he had said to Gabriel earlier came to mind.

"Gabriel seriously, man what's wrong." At this point the other teens at the table had started to notice Gabriel's odd behavior.

"NOTHING!" Gabriel yelled slamming his hands down on the table and standing up. At that moment he noticed Sam staring at him with wide eyes. Gabriel's eyes widened and fresh tears started to form in his eyes before he ran off.


Gabriel ran outside into the small field next to the school. The tears had started to come down his face and he let out a small whimper.

Sam decided that it would be in his best interest to follow the boy and apologize to him. Sam didn't realize how much his words had affected the cheerful boy and felt very guilty.

Sam ran after Gabriel as he followed him outside. He knew exactly why Gabriel was acting this way and it made him feel sad and guilty.

Sam walked cautiously towards Gabriel as the boy had sat down with his head on his knees and arms wrapped around himself. Sam made sure he kept his distance though.

Gabriel visibly tensed as he felt someone walk up next to him, but he didn't dare look up to see who it was.

"I'm sorry." The voice muttered. Wait a minute...I recognize that voice. Gabriel thought.

He looked up at the boy who was standing beside him. The boy had his head down, but Gabriel could see the clear guilt on his face.


"No, Gabe I am so so sorry for what I said. I didn't mean the things I said. You were just kinda getting on my nerves at the time. So....can you forgive me?"

Gabriel's tears had already started to dry up, so when Sam gave him a little nickname he smiled really big.

And this time it was a genuine smile.


I'm so so so so sorry for the horribly long wait for this chapter. I have an explanation though.

So first off as I was writing this chapter I had extreme writer's block mixed with no motivation to really sit down and write. Also, as I was writing this chapter school was coming to an end so I had projects due and exams I needed to study for. Then the week after it was tech week for the musical I was in so I was having late nights and wanted to get sleep for the performances. So, that's basically it.

Sorry this chapter kinda sucks too, this is my first fanfic so bear with me I guess. I also changed my barriers! Yay!

Anyways thanks for reading, I'll try to update again soon.

Carry on my wayward sons!

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