Continuing the Day

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Dean sat in his seat and saw the kid with the black sex hair was staring at him. Both boys just kinda looked at each other for a while before the teacher interrupted them. "Dean! Castiel! Are you going to continue staring at each other or actually listen to the lesson?" Rowena said to the boys in front of the class. A couple people snickered, while Dean and Castiel just turned their attention to Rowena. 

Rowena decided to end class ten minutes early so she could let the students talk amongst themselves. 

Dean walked over to the boy with the sex hair and introduced himself. "Hello, my name is Dean. Dean Winchester."

"Greetings Dean, my name is Castiel Novak." Castiel replied looking up at Dean.

"So tell me about yourself Cas..."


"Oh..ummm it's just a nickname I made up for you..." Dean trailed off.

Castiel smiled a bit before remembering something. You can't open yourself up to anyone Castiel, they'll only hate you

Castiel's smile faded. "Look Dean, I'm not here to make friends." Castiel said a bit too harshly before walking away.

Dean could only stare at Castiel as the boy walked off. He only had one thought in his mind. Blue, his eyes were the most beautiful blue.


Castiel walked away from Dean. He didn't really want to, but he had too. Castiel didn't want anyone getting too close to him besides his brothers and his only couple of friends. 


Dean walked to his next class. He couldn't get Castiel out of his head. Castiel's eyes were the most beautiful thing he had ever seen in his life. Castiel was so beau-Haha stop this Dean, you're not gay. Dean told himself.

Dean walked into his class two minutes early. He chose a seat next to a red-headed girl. As soon as Dean put down his stuff the red-head started talking to him. "Hello! My name is Charlie Bradbury! You must be new here!" Charlie said with a very happy sound to her voice.

"Hello Charlie. My name is Dean Winchester." Dean replied to the enthusiastic red-head. 

Dean and Charlie clicked right away talking about many things such as their favorite types of music, favorite movies or TV shows, family, or even what kind of fandoms they were in. They continued to talk until the teacher started to tell the students to quiet down, starting class. 

Before Dean could walk out the door Charlie tapped him on the shoulder, "Meet me at lunch. We can sit together." Charlie said. Dean just nodded before walking out the door and towards his next class. 


The first half of the day flew by really fast as Dean had no other classes with Castiel or Charlie that morning. Dean started to make his way towards the cafeteria when he saw Sam walking in the same direction. Dean ran to catch up with Sam calling his name, "Sammy wait up!" Sam turned around and smiled when he saw Dean.

"Hey Dean." Sam replied looking happy now that his brother was at his side.

"Sammy you want to sit with me at lunch? I met this one super nice girl that invited me to sit with her and her friends, I'm sure you're welcome to join us too." Sam just nodded in agreement and the two boys walked the rest of the way to the cafeteria. 

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