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Hey all thank u for ur votes and comments but expecting more.. now straight to the update....

Hugging her parents and sister for the last time, Pragya went into the departure hall. She saw a group of people gathered around and thinking that it might be her new show; Kumkum Bhagya team, she went and stood beside them. She saw the give her a curious look when she stood by but later on began chatting away.since she was busy in her own works she couldn't contact ekta precisely to get to know about her co workers except for abhi whom she already knew. Taking a deep breath she asked.

"When are the others coming?"
"Who others?" Asked an elderly lady standing by. Pragya watched them one by one confused. All of a sudden, her cell began to ring. It flashed a new number and she immediately picked up.
"PragyA? Abhi here"
"You are in a wrong line, turn around" And she did. She saw Abhi with two more inside the VIP lounge others waving at her with a smug smile on his face. Pragya felt her cheeks flaming up. Picking up her bag in a hurry, she walked towards them. Abhi was as usual wearing his casual clothes; a tight fitted green shirt and faded blue jeans. Oh man he is looking handsome" pragya thought.

"Thank you" She murmured to him as she approached. Abhi however didn't seem to hear her as she saw him looking at his watch. 'How rude'maybe he didn't hear me' Pragya shrugged and smiled at the others standing by. She smiled at the guy standing by who was eating a packet of lays. "Want some?" He asked offering him some. Pragya looked at Abhi and saw him smile at her and then to him before walking away fiddling with his cell. Pragya watched him walk away and noticed that many eyes had turned to him. And some has even started to point on to him too. They had probably recognized him but Abhi was unaware of all this as he was too busy in playing with his cell. Pragya watched as a huge flock of girls began to come towards him. Saying no, to the person who was offering her chips, she went to abhi and tugged him back into the VIP lounge. The security guard closed the door immediately while the girls stood outside the glass windows tapping the door.

Abhi was too confused with what was happening. He felt that he was being dragged into the lounge and looking down, he saw Pragya giving him a sly smile. It wasn't long that he realized that she was only saving him. he had experienced something similar before as all, mostly girls were pushing and pulling him when he attended a function.
"come on rockstar, ur fan girls are following on you and. don't you think you are so irrational from the time I came her and more over don't show your rockstar attitude here or professor pragya will give u mind filling lectures ok" pragya teased him.
"You're welcome" She said before he could even say thank you. She went and sat near the same guy who was still eating his Lays. Taking a magazine, she began to flip over the pages desperately feeling homesick all of a sudden.

"Hi, I'm Purab" said the guy when Pragya looked up while he broke into a boyish grin. Smiling back, she shook his hands with him introducing her.
Abhi watched both of them talk animatedly all of a sudden laughing over something in the magazine. Seeing them laugh like school kids, Abhi too had the urge to be a part of it. He wanted to know about what amusing story they were sharing.
"Hey man, come and join us, this girl is telling the funniest story ever" Purab called Abhi as he saw him watching them.

"Really? What is she saying? Not something idiotic as ever I suppose" Abhi asked taking the seat opposite them. Pragya stared at him making him grin wide but she shrugged it and began on to tell him.

"One of my distant nephew told his dad that he knows that babies comes out from mothers tummies" Pragya stopped and laughed and Abhi leaned forward interested. "and then he said, he don't know how they get there in the first place, he then asked his dad how" She again burst out laughing. Abhi too couldn't help let out a chuckle before asking what the boy's father told him.
"Abhi, he didn't say anything and was just hemming and hawing finally his son said that he doesn't have to make up and its okay if he doesn't know the answer" all three burst out laughing at the same time. the three shared some more silly jokes when a flight attendant arrived and told them that their flight has scheduled and it was time to board.

"By the way Pragya" Abhi 

called out before she went out the lounge. "I didn't know that you joke so much and have such humour sense" he said surprised seeing the way Pragya was talking to Purab. From the brief meetings they had, they both were fighting probably. Pragya gl;ared at him and said " abhi u could straightly say u are jealous of me ok I have good humour sense than ur stupid jokes and moreover purab was fretting to say something so I thought to say something so lame it struck my mind". Abhi snorted in disbelief at her open insult for him. Pragya chuckled at the way abhi had his face.

Pragya knew why he asked that so and he might probably think that she was judging him by what the media has thrashed about him being a play boy and a casonova . But she knew that it wasn't true, she wanted to tell him that she knows it all. But then again, something stopped her. Some new feeling that she has never experienced making her feel mute before him.
When Ekta broke the news that she was to be paired with ABhi, she thought that she might black out any moment. It still felt like a dream. She still couldn't believe her good luck that she got an opportunity to work with one of her favorites.

The boarded the plane together and the airhostess leaded them to their seat. It was a seat of two and both ABhi and Pragya's seat right next to each other. giving a small laugh pragyai took the window seat saying " abhi u better take the seat or else ur fan girls will kill me for not gvng the most famour rishi garewal's enduring presence to the world". Abhi chuckle and sat next to her. Purab came up all of a sudden looking upset.
"What's wrong buddy?" Abhi asked while Pragya too turned to see them.
"Nothing, I wanted a window seat and they didn't give me one"

"It's ok Purab, come sit here, I'll take your seat" Pragya said getting up. it was then an airhostess came up to them and told Purab that there was a window seat available. Looking towards the place, Purab saw a gorgeous blond sitting there and giving a shrug, he walked off and took a seat next to the blonde and started his conversation with her. PRagya saw this and sat back shaking her head smiling "such a child"
"So, I guess we are gonna be acquainted throughout this journey Ms. BP" Abhi winked at her. Pragya looked at him flaring in anger but laughed at his flirtatious toneand she knew that he was only teasing her.

Buckling their seat belt, Abhi and Pragya began to talk about their upcoming show. Pragya was pretty surprised to hear that Purab was to be the second lead. When Abhi saw her surprised look, he asked her if she had any idea about it. Shaking her head she replied a no. Abhi suggested that Ekta might probably forgot to tell her about it as she is a very person. Agreeing on that, they both began to chat on as the flight took off.

After a long two hour journey, they finally reached Delhi. Clearing security check, they stepped onto the Delhi ground. Exhaling deeply, Abhi stretched his arms and announced that he was tired. Even Purab agreed on and suggested that they would first rest before starting any work. They stood outside waiting for them to be picked up. it was then, Abhi received a call from Ekta telling him that she could be making to Delhi after two days and told them to take a good rest till she could make it.

Not long, a Lexus pulled over and a person came out stating that he was their guide for the trip. Taking their bags, they got into the car and drove off to the Hyatt Regency.
" this is going to be fun" abhi thought while opening the car door for pragya to sit.
The car speeded towards its destiny.

Hope u all liked the update.. do tell me ur views and am open for any criticism u want to convey.. but don't forget to cast ur votes and ur precious comments... 

Sayanora until next update......

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