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Author's POV

" I can't believe we are doing this.. " Luhan hisses lowly as he withdraw the energy of a man sleeping.

" Tone it down Luhan, it's not like we're killing them. This is also for their own good, we need their energy to heal and win the fight.. " Kris retorts.

" Don't forget to bring for D.O.. " Suho reminds while healing his own wound. The disadvantage of being a demon and not a rogue is that they can't heal as fast as they want.. unless you're a healer. So Lay's out of this issue.

" On it.. " Lay collects all the energy and forms it into a sphere, then he puts it into his container.

" Faster, we can't afford someone catching us.. " Kris hisses as he ready himself to take off.

" Let's go.. " then all of them disappears into black smokes.

After the sphere of energy absorbs into Kyungsoo. He gains his concsiousness back. " What happened? " he ask in bewilderment.

" A lot.. now ready yourself. We'll face another bunch of mindless rogues... " they all chuckle as D.O groans before getting up and stretching his limbs.

They stick to the same ground just like what Kai instructs them. Ready to fight with their now healed and recharged power.


Kai blows an air in relief as he immobilizes the rogues, he stopped the time and now he's roaming around the city.

I forgot where the gate is now located.. think Kai! Think!

He goes to the hall where all demons assemble, no gate is found.

Everytime he teleports to another place and failed to find it, he become more frustrated. He can't fail this battle..

Then the last place is now in his mind, hoping that this will be it. Our palace..

He teleports into the place and goes to the family's hall.. as he keeps roaming around finding for a hidden lever, he sense someone's scent.

He somehow find it familiar but it was too long since he know that scent.

Footsteps echoes along the big room which alerts him. Some high-ranking demon is lurking around the room.

" Miss me brother? " then he appears infront of him. His eyes widens..

" Lee Taemin... " he smiles cockily..

Taemin is his half-brother of his mother's side. Ever since his father knows about his wife's adultery, he became a violent person. The beginning of Kai's nightmares when he was a kid, his father once teaches him so well but after the revelation, harsh teachings in a most brutal way if possible has implemented on his father's way of lecturing him.

Kai has a good rational thinking specially in these types of circumstances but hearing these words from his half-brother's mouth makes him believe otherwise.

" Where is your soul mate? I heard she's a beauty.. " he smirks, his eyes sporting from black to red.

His once golden eyes turns into steel grey, cold, sadistic and void of any emotions.

" Leave her out of this Taemin.. " he growls. And the guy jusy chuckle. " You don't know how much I enjoy seeing you getting beaten by your father when you were a kid.. that must be quiet a hit.. " he contorts his face as if he got hurt.

" I'm sorry to tell you but you're trashtalk are nothing to me Tae.. I learn it from the other world. "

" That's why I want that world though.. so I can have all of the humans as slaves and your soul mate as my queen.. " Taemin mutters.

Out of nowhere, the books pierces through the air and all of them directing to Taemin. But Taemin just swats them off as if they are just some flies.

" Trying to piss me off are we now Kai? " his red eyes glaring at him. His fangs peeking out of his mouth.

Kai hisses.. " You should be thankful that my mom was also your mom, or else you'll just be like your dad.. a mindless rogue-- " and it hit Teamin's nerve.

He charges at him and immediately disappears.

Invisibility.. Kai ponders.

He closes his eyes and hightens his hearing. He hears a heartbeat at his right and a gush of air as if something's coming.

He raises his hand and instinctly catch Taemin's wrist. Kai curls his hand and punches his chest, sending him flying through multiple walls.

Then through the damaged bookshelves, he spot something sticking out. A lever!!

He immediately pull it down and a portal finally opens just behind him. Finally, I found the gate.

He raise his hand with his palms open and facing forwards. He close my eyes..

I, Kim Jongin prince of the demons hereby declaring to close this gate for eternity. This gate shall no longer be used as a passageway to another world of another being. It will remain close and sealed.

Once he opens his eyes he sees the gate closing down and fades away into ashes.

" No!! " a searing pain cuts through his side as a sliver knife plunges into his ribs. He grits his teeth at the pain.

He grabs on Taemin's wrist before pulling the knife out, blood spewing out from his side. He faces Taemin. His grey eyes glaring at his red ones.

" I don't know what makes you hate me, but once and for all.. " he pushed him which ends up both of then being thrown out to the portal.

Luckily Kai takes a grip on the edge of it. So they are now hanging, Taemin gripping on his foot. The portal's force that is now sucking them in doesn't help their situation at all.

Kai grunts as the blood keeps on flowing out..

" The reason why I hate you is that you have everything.. " Taemin mutters.

" I'm just another son.. a bastard rather. Actually I was the reason why your father goes insane and our mother died " his light sob didn't neglect from his ears.

" I envy you.. so to stop this.. " he loosens his grip on Kai's ankle..

" No! Don't you dare! " he growls.

But too late..

" Sorry.. "


Any SHINee fans here? I hope that you like Taemin's role here.. so Taemin is Kai's half-brother.


Dealing with the DEMON || KJI FF || [Completed]जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें