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Kai's POV

' How is she now Sehun? '

I ask Sehun telepathically, I'm not comfortable the moment that I set her off away from me. I feel extremely empty.

But I did it for her sake.. together with our baby.

' She's now sleeping Kai, but I can tell that she's breaking, she's just trying to hide it from me with her smiles.. ' I can tell that he's sighing.

Guilt bumps my heart, I'm such a horrible prince in decision making. Tsk!

' Now kick that negative thought out Kai, I may be younger than you but I can still kick your butt if you keep being that way.. ' I roll my eyes.

' He's right Jongin ' Suho butts in our conversation. What the? Are they eavesdropping us?

' Yup.. ' they all proudly say in unison. I shake my head, these lunatics.

' You know Kai, we're too fabulous to be called lunatics.. ' Kris huffs..

' You all are and it will stay that way, y'all lunatics and my only lunatics.. ' everyone gags up as if they'll vomit. That's why I love teasing them.

' Got to go.. '

' I have a meeting with someone.. '

' I'm outta here '

Each one of them makes their own excuses as they finally disabled their telepathy, only the two of us are left.

' So, what now Kai? What's our ultimate plan? ' Sehun eagerly asks like a kid.

' Nuh-uh, you ain't going anywhere Sehun, your mission is to guard her until the war is over '

(A/N: we got the power~.. power. Naega narabeulttae eh~ lol sorry.. can't help it )

Sehun groans and whines.. ' Not fair. I'm ready for the battle Kai, lemme be with you and fight with them '

' I don't want to risk her life Sehun, she may be far away but there is still a chance that they'll find her, if you really like her then stay with her and guard her at all cost or else I'll have your head rolling on the ground.. ' I can't even believe that I have to drag that topic so that I could only make him stay.

' I will Kai, for her.. but you don't have to bring it up. I know that you love her so don't be such a martyr for acting like one, as what you had said, you're a selfish man Kai.. bring those words to life. '

I huff..

' I already did it idiot, I even almost killed you.. ' I deadpan, and Sehun just awkwardly laughs..

' Right.. ' he sighs for an umpteenth time.

' I have to disable it know maknae, I'm still constructing the plan.. '

' Roger that Prince Kai, I hope that you'll win this time.. ' he cooes before disabling the telepathy.

He's right, I must be successful this time, my hard training from my father should be payed off atleast once. I close my eyes before I open them once again, I see nothing but red. I growl lowly..

" This is for you dad, and mom.. "


" To those who has a strong telepathic minds, you'll be the one who'll lure the demons to our places.. let the leader of this telepathy be Luhan.. Luhan hyung, you'll group yourselves so that the luring will be more successful.. " Luhan nods before eyeing Tao and Kris.

" Once we lured them to our individual stages, we must group yourself according to your matching ability. Chanyeol, your fire can be combined with Chen's electricity, in that case, your attack will be more quick and deadly.. " Chanyeol and Chen bumps their fists.

" Suho's water will trap the enemy and it will solidify with Xiumin's ice, killing it by extreme hypothermia.. " They nod in unison.

"  D.O's unbreakable barrier will trap the enemy, Baekhyun's light will blind them and Lay's ability to handle someone's vital capacity of the body will do the kill.. " for the first time, Lay's once caring and loving eyes turns into demonic splits held with pure bloodthirst.

" This is for those greedy bastards.. " Lay mutters coldly, they all agreed at his opinion.

" And Tao's ability to freeze time, Luhan will use multiples weapons and Kris will summon his dragons and do the work, taking advantage of their frozen state. "

" Sounds like a plan to me.. " Kris mumbles.

" What about you Kai? Where is Sehun? " D.O asks.

" I give him a special mission and that is to protect Crystal at all cost.. " I ball my fist.

" Someone's jealous.. " my head snaps at Tao while pressing his lips together.

" I'm not jealous.. " I retort.

" I didn't mention a name though.. " as if on cue, all of them stiffle their laughs. I sigh, my hopes on them being dead serious is now gone, indeed lunatics.

" So what about you Kai? You haven't answer the other question though.. " are they really this curious?

" My mission as prince--no I'm no longer their prince, as a leader, I have to go back to our world and- " and those idiots have the guts to cut me off.

" What?! Are you out of your mind Kai?! You'll get yourself killed there! " Suho growls, he is probably our mother, in a male version.

" Listen everyone, this will take forever if I can't stop the source, demons will continue multiply as long as the gates are not completely sealed.. so as their ex-prince. I will use my power to lock them up there completely and disconnect the portal from our world to the human's.. " they look at me in dread.

" You know what will likely to happen Kai, if you failed to seal the gate alone then how much more in disconnecting the portal? You might caught in two different dimensions or worse, you'll die!.. " Suho reprimands

" If I will not gonna do it, then who else that has the royal blood from the Kim family and has the ability to lock down the gates? None.. it's only me, the last prince. So let me do it.. " their faces remains stoic but I know that they're hurting.

" Guys.. please understand me, this is for all of us.. "

" Trust in me.. "


What will happen guys? Can you sense that Kai will lose to this battle?

As you can see guys, I just uploaded 10 chapters all at once, why? I barely have the chance to upload it since I'm kinda not so near from the civilization.. lol being an hermit now are we? haha!.. so yeah, wifi here is like a bronze in the soil.. that's why.


Dealing with the DEMON || KJI FF || [Completed]Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu