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Crystal's POV

Feeling lightheaded, I walk along the hallway where I used to walk alone. Getting used with the routine as I huff. These days had been tiring as always. I look at the bright painted walls as it lightens up by the lights hanging on the ceiling.

I look at my wristwatch, seeing that the hour hand strikes at 7 in the evening. I groan as I think about my assignments and projects that had been given to us this day.

I slid my hand to my pocket as I find the key of my dorm. This short skirt of mine prohibits me from applying more efforts to plunge my hand any further. I pull out my hand as I pat the entire pocket. Feeling nothing in it I feel the urge to scream at my own face for my own stupidity. Where the heck did I put that thing? That's small though yet too important to be abandoned.

I really want to get in right now for I'm so tired that I want to punch someone who dares to talk to me. But how? I can't get in without the damned key. I slam my back against the door as I let out a sigh. I had to trace it or else I'll freeze myself to death.

Feeling irritated, I march back towards where I came from. I look at my wristwatch and I remember the guy who gave this to me. Oh Sehun..

I feel shivers running down my spine as I remember the time that he voluntarily gave the red rolex wriswatch as he smiled at me psychotically. I actually don't want to accept it but I'm afraid of what he might react if I refuse so I hessitantly accepted it. Sehun is somehow obsessed at me, I always caught him starring at me for a long time and instead of looking away, he just winks at me. I always avoid him as much as possible due of his unusual behaviour.

As what I've known, Sehun comes from a rich family that owns a bunch of buildings here in Seoul. A guy with looks and have brains that every girl here (except me) swoons over his charm. I'm surely not the prettiest nor the sexiest girl but why on earth that he's like this to me?!

I pull my hair down in anxious as I realise that I overly think about Sehun. I look at the dirtied walls of the hallway that I swear was stainless before. I studied the whole place carefully, I was just walking right here and I swear that it's clean. I even complimented it's cleanliness mentally.

Feeling thrilled, I shrug all those thoughts away as it may be my tiredness that affects my vision. I continue on walking further along the path. Out of nowhere my phone rings in the silent atmosphere. I look at the caller and I find it hard to believe. It's him..

Nevertheless, I answer the call. " Hello? "

" Where are you now? "

I really can't believe that he will ask me this kind of question. Why would he want to know? I barely talk to him for some reason.

" I'm home obviously " I lied. But the moment he snickers at the other line makes me want to dig my own grave and hide in it forever.

" Liar.. " he knows.. how come? I abruptly press the end button as I run to fasten this emergency.

I barge into our room as I take my torch out of my bag. I duck my head under the table to look for the key. I must dropped it somewhere. I groan as I accidentally scratch my right arm due of the potrudung nail on one of the desks that I passed by. I keep on searching until I feel something just dropped from my other pocket. Creating a deafening high pitched noise. I aim the torch to the thing that had been dropped.

It's the freakin' key..

I hit my head repeatedly. Why would I always forgot that all skirts have two pouches? I really want to slap myself right now. I immediately duck under the window beside me when I see a light from another torch and a light footsteps. As what I've known, our guards are pretty fat to be this light.

" Hello? Anybody there? " My eyes widens. It's him!! He just called me moments ago and I kinda expect for an enraged voice from him. His calm and curiousness makes me wanna wonder.

He enters the dang room and I have to squish myself to the corner until I step on something brittle. His torch hits on my eyes, making me go blind.

" Crystal? What on earth are you doing here? " he lowered the torch as he reaches for the switch to turn on the lights. I wince at the moment the light fills the room.

" I'm searching for my key that's why I came back here to trace it but at the end it's just in my another pocket " I mentally cuss myself.

" Sorry about the call earlier " he looks at me in bewilderment. What? Is there something wrong in apologizing?
" Something's wrong? "

He shakes his head, " Oh no, nothing at all. It's just that.. I can't remember myself calling you awhile ago " he looks at the floor as he tries to remember.

" I just slept at 5 pm while waiting for the time and now here I am, being waken up from the high-pitched sound coming from this room " he slick his hair back in exhaustion.

" Sorry about that.. " I lower my head in embarassment. He takes a step closer and is about to pat me on the shoulder when he stop it himself. Now it's another weird thing, first he forgots the incident now this?

" I-I know you didn't mean it.. " he tucks his hands in his pocket like somehow prohibiting him from touching something or someone.

" Anything wrong Jongin? " I ask in curiousity rather worry. He just nod as he lets out a sigh. He takes a step backward
" You go first.. " he gestures.

I nod and is about to take my bag when it's slings touches my fresh wound, thus reopening the cut. I grunt as I clutch on it.

Jongin seems to notice it but still keeps his distance. I notice something on him, his eyes changing from brown to hues of red. I squint my eyes and looks back at him who's now shaking his head. His eyes now is pretty normal. I must be tired indeed.

" You're bleeding? Who did this? " he asks. I pat his shoulder that makes him jolt and move back. " Luckily I'm wearing a jacket " he mutters. " Why did you avoid? " I ask feeling offended. Panick surges into him as he looks at me. " It's just that I'm not used of someone touching me " anger pops like a bubble the moment he explains.

He takes out something from his bag; a pair of gloves. " This is for our--your protection " he slids it in his hands as he takes my hand.
I feel strange the moment our hands connects. He expertly cleans the wound yet in a shaky hands.

" You should go back now, besides you have the key " he puts back the meds in the first aid kit. " Are you sure? " he hums as a yes.

" And Crys?.. " I whip around to face him looking at me. He opens his lips but closes it after. He slicks his hair back..

" Take care... don't hurt yourself "


Sup ya'll!!

I still can't move on from the KO KO BOP fever specially Kai... ugghhh..

That sexy beast though knows how to do the provoking gestures😂😂

I would never be surprised if someone shouts that Kai makes her(or him😂😂) preggy mentally..

Poor soul.. being scarred by Kai's ability to seduce..

Any Kaistans here?

Vote and comment if you like it!! 👍👍

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