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Crystal's POV

I keep sobbing and whimpering beside him.. his bare back facing me, shoulders rising up and down.. soft snores is audible in him.

I feel weak and defeated after the awful scene in the tub.. I don't even have enough strength to dress myself up.. only the thin white blanket coats my bare body beside him.

Images of me being carried by him from the bathroom to this bed feel horrible.. it's already night and I unbelievably skipped school.. Sehun might get paranoid for my disappearance.

Tears keeps on sliding down my face as memories from that bathroom still lingers in my head... he took my everything.. my innocence.

I hate this monster..

" And this monster will be the father of our soon to be child " he said and faces me.. lips tugs up into smirk.

I involuntarily moves away from him but he's fast enough to hover above me.. my eyes nearly bulge out from it's sockets.

" W-what the heck are you doing?! " I panick and keeps on pushing him off me but he manages to pin my wrists again for the second time..

" Pinning you down.. I can pin you whenever I want " Kai says nonchalantly.

The thin sheets between our bodies is the only barrier.. " Why are you scared babe? I'm always here to take care of you and our soon to be little baby demon "

I feel like I want to throw up when he says 'our baby' he can just have tons of women to get laid with!!

" I'm not a guy who invites random women to my bed.. " I roll my eyes in disbelief.. like I care

I keep on squirming despite of the burning sore in my overly beaten body.. he groans and holds my waist down..

" Will you quit it?! We both know that you can't get away from me so stop trying! " he yells and his eyes flares up in rage.

" Kill me if you want to.. " I taunt, I'm so hurt to accept my current situation in life.. it'll be as good as to be dead.

" Killing is out of the list of how I punish my mate.. " he smiles slyly..

My breath goes shaky... not being neglected by his ears.. " Don't you dare Kai.. " I try to sit up but he adds his weight on me.

" Oohhh.. I'm dared baby.. you can't stop me " a tear slides off my face that makes him pause on tracks..

" Are you really this abusive Jongin? How could you do this to me.. " my voice starts shaking as well and Kai's orbs turns into demonic eyes.. now I'm bound to die..

I gasp shortly when he chokes me.. my neck feels like it's been squeezed by a metallic vice grip.. my lips been parted at the burning sensation in my lungs.

Black dots dancing in my vision as I feel like I'll soon get killed.. one last breath..

" I-I'm sorry Jongin.. "

All of a sudden, I am being freed and I found myself being pressed up to a naked chest.. his possesive growl and psychotic arms snakes around my bare waist possesively..

" No one will ever have you other than me princess.. " he plants a surprisingly gentle kiss on my forehead before getting off of me..

I got confused by his sudden change of behaviour, thus I'm still thankful.

He stands up naked, not minding about my presence and I quickly avert my gaze after seeing his muscular back..

" You acted as if you've never seen this before.. " he lets out a chuckle and I secretly roll my eyes.. I shriek when I see him facing me in my peripheral vision.

" Come on.. I know you like it.. " he cooes almost like a purr..

" Will you quit it?! " I complain at his sudden behaviour.. he sighs in satisfaction about me being teased..

I can see him pulling out some fresh pair of pants and some boxers, slipping in it afterwards.. I can't help but to peek on his muscular back.. taut muscles wrapped by pale skin.. the cracks on the side of his face never fails to drive chills to my spine.

I jolt when he tosses something to me.. the silky white material slides smoothly against my face..

The white material lands on my lap.. giving him a straight face upon determining the cloth..

" Seriously? A short night gown? " I ask unbelievably..

" What? You don't wear any? " my face flushes red..

" Of course I do for Pete's sake!! I just don't wear dresses at night.. " I huff..

" Just wear it or else I'll do it for you.. " he smirks.. I clamp on my blanket even tighter against my chest before giving him a scowl..

" Fine.. now turn around " I order, his shoulders slumps down before whining.. he's gone too wierd now..

" Unfair! You've seen my body all the time while I'm dressing up while you wouldn't! " he childishly pout.. unbelievable..

" I didn't ask for it now turn around.. and no peeking.. " I swirl my fingers around, indicating for him to turn his heels around.

He huffs and turns around abrumptly.. with that I instantly slid into the silky material.. just as my head peeks out of it's collar, Kai is already facing me, making me jump in surprise..

I instanly pull the material down in me.. " The heck Kai!! Are you really this perverted?! " I hiss..

" You can't blame me.. I'm a demon.. what am I suppose to react? " he has a point though..

" But still.. you have to--for fucks sake!! " I growl when he pounces on me, kissing me on the nose afterwards before setting himself down beside me..

He nuzzles his head on my neck.. he looks up to my eyes and I am surprised upon seeing his eyes..

His eyes are playing from red to different hues of brown.. he's fighting..

" Who's fighting? " his eyebrows raises up.. damn it

" You.. " I timidly answer..

" Uhh.. Kai? " he humms 'why?'

" Can you get me some undergarments? "


Comment what you feel folks!! 😂😂

Sorry about the lame ending of this chap..


Dealing with the DEMON || KJI FF || [Completed]Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя