Error x abused! reader

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Authors POV

You ran away from home taking only a few things in your backpack. There was no point in staying with your parents, if you did you might have died or gone mentally ill. While you were walking in a lone ally something white, like a portal, suddenly showed up in front of you. Curiousity got the best of you and you fell in, once you did it closed behind you. There was nothing in there just white every where.

Your POV

  'just great, now I'm stuck here *sigh* might as well stay here it's not like I'm leaving any time soon' I thought to myself and decided to sit on the floor as thoughts of mom and dad came flooding in. I started crying and didn't even notice a figure behind me. I felt string wrap around my waist, hands and legs, I didn't struggle to break free...why would I?.

 ''WHat ArE You DOinG HeRe, HUmaN?'' I heard a glitch voice ask ''oh nothing much *sniff*, just hanging  around''. I tried to laugh at my own pun but couldn't all I really did was cry, the figure turned me around and I was finally facing....a skeleton, not much of a suprise though monsters were released a long time ago. He was black(I'm not racist) and had 'Error' sighs all over him, he also seemed really glitchy.

Error's POV

She's staring at me but she doesn't look a bit frightened. What is wrong with this human?.  I set her down rather harshly if you ask me, but I didn't care. ''oof'' was all she said and awkward silence filled the anti-void. She finally spoke

''Hi I'm (Y/N)''

''WHat ARe yoU DOInG hERe?, How DId YoU Get HEre?''

''Like I said I'm hanging around. And I fell through some random portal and here I am''

''WHaTeVer JusT LEavE!''

''I actually would like to stay here, can I?''

''WHy Don'T YOu HaVe a FamILy to GGeT bBAck To?''

''n-no not really''

  Now that I look at her properly she's kinda cute, NO Error you can't like her.

''FiNe You can stay''

Your POV

''FiNe You can stay'', he sounded less glitchy, whatever. I thanked him anyway.

~Time skip~ 3 months later

Error is actually a nice person if you look at it. So I was alone in  the anti-void and I didn't even realize I was crying then Error came in and ran up to me ( Error=underlined, you=normal)

''(Y/N) what's wrong?''

''n-n-nothing Error just some bad memories*sniff*'s not important''

''(Y/N) why do you keep hiding things from me it's been three months since you got here, you can trust me''

''s-sorry Error I just find it r-r*sniff*really hard to trust people''

Error's POV

I can't take it anymore how am I going to confess if she won't trust me.

''(Y/N) if you tell me you'll feel better''

''Ok *sniff* well my parents kind of abused me, they called me hurtful things. They said no one will ever love me, that I was a failed abortion. That their lives will be better off without me. They even hurt me often.. they once tried to kill me but that's when  I ran away''

She started tearing up again, oh what should I do I'm not good at this mushy stuff.

I hugged her and rubbed her back in a circular motion hoping to calm her down. Once she finally did I told her

''(Y/N) your parents aren't here anymore and what they said was a lie you are loved''

I could feel my cheekbones heat up and  I finally spat it out

''(Y-Y/N) I love you, I always have and I always will. It's okay if you don't like me ba-''

Before I could finish she kissed, the kiss lasted 30 seconds, she then separated from me and I saw her crying but also smiling. Then she said

''  I love you too Error. Thank you Error. For the first time in my life I feel loved and appreciated.''

She hugged me once more and then and there I swore I won't let my (Y/N) get hurt.


Author-chan here back with another oneshot. Hope you liked it.



(I know it isn't exactly children's day I wanted to upload this yesterday, the actual children's day)

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