Bringing Back Hallie: Chapter Thirteen

Start from the beginning

"He's not a tool," I hiss back at him, ripping my arm from that tight grasp. "He's actually a really decent guy." 

"Oh really?" Fred asks, sounding just as miffed as Jesse. "If he's so decent, then why are you spending your night partying with us instead of with him?" 

"He's out of town," I explain, wondering what in the hell has gotten into the two of them. Why don't they like Ethan and why are they getting so damn mad at me for being with him? It doesn't make sense; they're supposed to be my friends. "And I like being with y'all...we're friends. But I don't understand why my friends are so mad at me!" 

We've stopped walking, the three of them so focused on interrogating me about my relationship with Ethan that we're now all perched on one of the steps that help the journey down the big hill. Jeanie reaches out for me, but I'm so hurt by how mean they're being that I back away from her. She says, " you just, like, have a girl boner for him? Or are y'all actually together?" 

"No! I mean, we're...together...kind of. He's just...we can't get serious because he's leaving for tour at the end of the summer and so we're just staying kind of...I don't's weird. But we kiss and stuff." I honestly can't come up with a better explanation than that, me still somewhat being confused about it while sober, let out alone pretty damn drunk. 

Looking somewhat hurt herself, she asks, "Why didn't you tell me?" 

"Because it just happened!" I argue, still extremely agitated that they're not all super happy for me like I would be for them. They're supposed to be happy that I've finally found someone, not mad at me. "And I thought you'd be happy for me. Guess not." 

She scoffs, and that hurt from just a minute ago slowly drains off her face, instead turning to anger. "Well I'm sorry, but I'm your best friend. You're supposed to tell me shit like that." 

"And why would I?" I demand, not really believing that we're having a fight right here and right now. The two of us have never fought; me too scared of conflict to really say anything that would provoke one. But I guess now that I have liquid courage, I'm finally not scared to stand up to her. "So you could yell at me just like these two jack asses?" 

"Hey!" Fred and Jesse yell at the same time. Jesse just keeps quiet after that little outburst, but Fred takes a step closer to me and says, "I'm just trying to help you. That pretty boy is just going to hurt you." 

"No he's not," I shake my head furiously; knowing deep down that Ethan would never do anything to knowingly hurt me. He's just not that kind of guy. Sure it hurt when he said that we couldn't be serious, but he didn't know it hurt me and it does make sense. It just sucks. The whole situation sucks. But I can't blame him for it. "He's a really good guy." 

"Oh gag me with a fucking spoon," Fred snaps, making me jump just a little bit. Why the hell is he so damn angry with me? He says, "He's like that fucking pop star that every thirteen year old has wet panties for. He's just an image of a good guy because he's pretty and sings like an angel or whatever the fuck they say about those guys." 

"That's so deep," I spew sarcastically, my entire body practically crawling in anger at the three of them. How dare they talk to me like this and how dare they say these awful things about Ethan without knowing him. They're supposed to be happy for me. "You're really just jealous, because he's going to go somewhere one day...unlike you." 

"Fuck you Hallie," he says deeply, his voice so deep with anger that it makes me skin crawl. "I thought you were cool, but you're really just another sellout." 

Before I can say anything in response to that, anything at all to make him hurt the way that he's hurting me, Jeanie takes a step forward and says lowly, "You should go. This is getting ridiculous." 

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