CHAP. 17 Cute, Who?

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Class X, 18 January 2016

The thing about these Science Exhibitions is they don't really excite me even a little bit. Why? I am clueless.

I had to however tame this cluelessness and present forward a project. Today is the day to face the music. The Science Exhib, in our school like every past year is in early January this year too.

First the students are too excited about exhibition. Then deadlines and anxiety comes in and kills all the happiness.

For me, Abhinav Chauhan it was a little different. I never really felt that excitement in the first place.

And here am right now. One hand holding my project model. Looking down the school ground corridors filled with tables. Organised and placed in such a definitive manner. Sections of tables were divided for particular classes. Students have already managed to find respective places for their projects and I had to find one for my company and me.

I try to reason once again in my thoughts.

Do class X students really need to go this childish?

Moving along the lines of table I took in some of the already standing proud ones. In reality, some models were really funny. They had like no logic strewn to them.

"I think I found the perfect place." One of my group member came jumping as of he found the God, himself.

He raised his finger and pointed towards the perfect place. When my eyes landed where actually his quest had ended I went reverse mode.

"Nope." I said popping the sound of P.

For a while he stood wide eyed as if I had committed a sin. Coming out of it finally he questioned "What, Why not?"

Clearly sounding as if I stated something very absurd.

"I will find a better place, come nah." I tried to reason. But I know I was failing badly.

"What's wrong with this?" He was now doing the crazy hand gestures in the middle of the corridor. Yes, the place was filled and everybody was busy but not enough to not notice his breakdown.


"No!" Anger seething through his voice. "I need a valid reason or else I ain't moving a feet."

With my spare hand I pushed back the locks of my hair that had landed before my eyes. Then I started doing it continuously. I have come to realise lately that running my hands through my hair oddly was something I did out of nervousness.

I knew I couldn't win this fight anymore. His blabbering was still on, I mean still. Giving in I raised my hands. Out of the fight. I sighed.


"Let's place this." I said raising the hand which still held our project model.

"Hey!" A chirpy voice greeted as soon as we settled our model down on the table.

Damnit. I knew.

I turned around to face the familiar face. Instantly my eyes landed on her bright brown orbs. They had a hint of hazel in them which never really came out like now, in the bright sunlight outside.

"Hey" I greeted back.

"Nice model, what exactly is it?"

I looked down at my model that I had placed on the table beside hers just a few seconds ago.


What is my project? What is it about again? What the heck is it?

I had zoned out.



"Umm, I don't actually know." I said rubbing the back of my neck lightly.

Great now, she'll think that I am some stupid and dumb kid. Not bothered enough to know what my own project is about.

Truth is I knew it by heart everything from A to Z. But one glance her way and it's all flushed down down the drain.

She grinned. "Neither do I."

A small grin formed on my face.


I saying that I was just ignoring Zara and her company was an understatement. I literally stayed away from my own table to do so. Remember, it's an exhibition and I should be their by my model to present it.

Zara's team consisted of three people. She herself, Afreen and the Almighty Krrish. I mean she chose Afreen because it was the most obvious choice. She was her benchmate. I don't know what crazy bond she shared with him.

Sometimes they won't even talk to eachother but they'd be having conversations going between them. I knew it.

However, it still didn't bother me. What bothered me was the intent with which Krrish sometimes looked at her. He was this serine soul of school. Poster boy, of course it bothered me.

He had a long list of girls who like him, hell worshipped him. But he never showed interest. Not even one. But with the warmth and intensity his gaze is holding out for Zara right now or be it whenever he speaks to her or about her speaks interest in capital letters.

"They're cute. Aren't they?" A voice asked me from somewhere startled me. I immediately tried to hide the fact that I was staring across the corridor at Zara and Krrish like a creep.

Finally, the person making such an absurd comment came beside me. A familiar face yet again, stood beside me.


"Cute, who?" I coughed.

"I know you heard me the first time. Don't act. You cannot act even if you're life depended on it." She said in a very non-offensive way.

None taken miss.

I raised my eyebrows at her.

"What? They do!" She said in a tone when you say duh.

"Who exactly?" I immediately removed my wide eyed expression and acted like I didn't have a clue of who she was talking about.

"C'mon, don't act dumb. You know who I mean." And that accompanied her sequeezing my both cheeks with a single hand hold, bringing my gaze back to them.

Did I mention, she and I have grown to be quite good friends. She was pretty but what I missed first time around that she was funny too. And annoying.

Feeling pissed I grabbed her cheeks like she did mine few seconds ago.

"I'll show you what's cute."

"Nooobe" Her muffled voice came out.

She started throwing her hands around to loosen my grip on her cheeks.

In the moment, I realised how small she was in comparison to me. Her eyes glistened but they weren't bright brown like I loved them to be. And I reverted back my eyes in search for the pair of eyes.

To my dismay, they were staring right back in our direction. A big frown accompanying them.


Abhinav: Vote for the love of those bright brown eyes.

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