CHAP 1. What More Do I Need?

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Class X, 17 April 2015, Morning

"Buzzzzzz" I wake up on my bed realising that my alarm was buzzing for very long. I felt dizzy from last night's party hangover. No wonder why my head is killing me.

"08:16, 17 April 2015" I glance at my phone's screen for very long. Almost like I was lost somewhere.

Suddenly I snapped out of my thoughts. I didn't feel like moving out of my bed. This space felt good. Comforting.
It's Friday morning, sun shining on me...weekend ahead. What more do I need?

Maybe a glass of lemonade (nimbu pani you know), I hear they are good for removing one's hangover. But except that I am pretty sorted.

Then after all this, she striked my thoughts. Maybe I do need something. Maybe want...

While I was busy wondering about if I wanted something, Mom rushed in my room without even warning. Had it been someone else I would have nearly killed him/her for intruding into my kingdom (my room). But this was mom. She had this liberty. Not like I provided her with this liberty. She had earned it.

"What are you still doing at bed, Abhi? " she blabbered and continued "Take this, your nimbhu paani and freshen up. Today we have to go somewhere and I don't want to be late."

She chucked in the nimbhu paani in my face, like all Indian moms do to their ladlaas (beloved). She always knew what I needed even when I haven't uttered a word. She reads my mind from past 17 years and I still wonder, how?

"okay, okay. Am getting out ...fine" I jokingly made faces while saying that.

She laughs while pulling me out.

It's lately been only my mom and me in the house. So we are close. She raised me alone since my father died way back when I was seven. We don't talk about him much but she must be missing him some odd days, cause I miss him too.

But what my mom has done for me is beyond appreciable. She has been my mother, my father, my brother-bestfriend and what not.

The least I can do is keep her happy all the time.

"c'mon" she pulled me saying that again.


So guys what do you feel about Abhinav? Do you like him?

If you read thoroughly you'll know something special is coming for Abhinav. Can you guess it?

It's a short chapter, I know 'cause I feel too lazy guys. I feel there is no one as lazy me guys. I hope to update as soon as possible. Also I'll try to make them bigger.

Tell me how you feel about the story in the comments. And do vote if you like the story... Please, it's a earnest request!

More to come soon.

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