CHAP. 16 Fooled Again | Part One

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Class XI, 18 May 2016

I oddly smiled at him. I don't know why but he was in a way surely giving me a cold shoulder. Something about Abhi was very off today. Like he was thinking way too much before opening his mouth.

I wanted him to say something, anything. I did want him to continue this conversation between us. I think my wanting had reached my face too.

Since he wasn't making any attempt to do so I was about to say something. Any stupid thing that will blurt out of my mouth. Even if I sound desperate.

However, that situation never arrived. He had already turned his back towards me after telling me whereabouts of Afreen.

"Definitely a cold shoulder." I whispered to myself.

With a heavy heart I tried to move about in the given directions. I could see Afreen in one corner of the room. She was giggling with her set of friends. However, those giggles didn't bring any happiness to my heart.

I realised I hadn't moved a bit. Not even a single inch. I looked down at my feet.

I tried bringing my legs into motion but they didn't work. I felt paralysed and a sudden cold sensation hit my spine.

And with it without even me realising I looked back at Abhi. Out of the doorway now and close to the edge of the school corridor just in front of it. He had his back placed against the wall of this edge while few of his friends engaged his attention. He was smiling ear to ear.

The atmosphere for bustling with kids out enjoying their recess. I however was standing in the middle of his class staring at him, all startled.

I don't know why I had hoped that he would say something. Something out of the blues.

From the looks of it he is totally fine without me being present around him.

He laughed hard at something one of his friends said. His laugh was loud and peculiar enough to grab everybody's attention in the surrounding. All eyes on him. He, he didn't even notice all this attention on him.

He wouldn't even bother if his eyes were open to know what he was doing. He always was a crowd puller. A charmer, I must say.

His eyes closed he went for another round of his peculiar laughter. Peculiar in a good way. Everybody around went back to their works or whatever they were doing. But my eyes were still glued to him.

In that moment with gradual jolts, everything in my mind eased. A similar feeling tried to tickle my bones. Slowly slowly however that emotion also drained and I finally felt similar aches I had felt around five months ago. The very same ache I had on the day I had seen Abhinav seated with Afreen - smiling.

I was afraid to acknowledge it then as afraid as I am right now. But there was no running away from him. I tried to escape him five months ago. Look where it has landed me. I still found a way back to him. However, only as a stranger this time around.

And with the force like the one of falling snow off the mountains, the realisation hit me.

Zara, you've let your heart to be fooled again.


I know this update was very small. However, it is very satisfying at the same time.

How? I mean c'mon guys Zara finally has realised that she does feel for Abhinav. And it is something she can't run from.


Isn't it a good news. I am happy to say now the story will really pick up. And now you'll see how being in love can create chaos and happy feeling simultaneously.

Secondly, I will be more frequent with updates. I have my Mains on 8Th and then I am totally free to write. I am thinking about assinging this book an update day of the week. What do you think? COMMENT.

Also, since you must have noticed that this is part one of the chapter that means one more part to go, yay!

And, and guys I have started a new book- called Voices (You can check it out in my account) which is a slice of life story. If you find it interesting please, please support my work.

It hardly takes any time to vote, comment and share. Add my work. Follow me ( if you want!) PLEASE, I WOULD REALLY APPRECIATE THAT.

And last I love you all.

Keep reading,💜

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